Monday, April 24
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 power clean + push or split jerk (start w/ empty barbell and build to 60% 1RM, or moderate weight) + kip swing or :20 hollow hold + challenging ring row, :03 pause in top position
12:00 EMOM -
1:00-4:00: 2 clean + 1 jerk @ 60% 1RM (RPE 6)
5:00-8:00: 1 clean + 2 jerk @ 70% 1RM (RPE 7)
9:00-12:00: 1 clean + 1 jerk @ 80% 1RM (RPE 8)
14:00 bike @ moderate pace (focus on high quality pull movement) -
@ 0:00: 6 bar muscle-up or 12 pull-ups
@ 2:00: 5 bar muscle-up or 10 pull-ups
@ 4:00: 4 bar muscle-up or 8 pull-ups
@ 6:00: 3 bar muscle-up or 6 pull-ups
@ 8:00: 2 bar muscle-up or 4 pull-ups
@ 10:00: 1 bar muscle-up or 2 pull-ups
@ 12:00: Max unbroken BMU or pull-ups (finish on bike once you drop off bar)
Accumulate 20 dips from high rings, or 30 dips from bench
Tuesday, April 25
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + :30 shoulder taps from plank + 10 banded forward raises + :30 figure-4 stretch/side + 10 banded pull-aparts
Every :90 x5 (15:00) -
3-5 deadlift, building to WOD weight
:30-:45 handstand work, or challenging plank
10:00 AMRAP -
10 deadlift (225/155 or 155/105 or
10 HSPU, or any push-up variation
Cash-out @ 10:00 on the clock - 60 DB bench press for time (2 @ 50/35 or 35/20)
*Score is 1.) total rounds and 2.) time to complete cash-out
Accumulate 30 bent-over plate rows (45/25/15# plate)
Wednesday, April 26
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 12 tuck-ups + 10 front squat (empty barbell) + 8 thoracic rotation from runners lunge + 6 bootstrappers; :30 wrist rockers between rounds
Every 2:00 x8 (16:00) -
Front squat (start light and build) or 8-10 DB squats (2 @ moderate weight)
For time -
Back squat (135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45)
Toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
Accumulate 2:00-3:00 Sorenson hold (:60 rest)
Thursday, April 27
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 muscle snatch (empty barbell) + pvc pass through + alt scorpion stretch + push-up to pike; :30 easy jump rope between rounds
In 14:00, complete the following (build to a heavy single or stay moderate and complete 5 reps each set) -
Power or squat snatch (athlete’s choice; :90 rest between sets)
16:00 AMRAP for max snatches -
50 double under or 100 singles
25 cal row or ski
50 double under or 100 singles
25 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45)
50 double under or 100 singles
25 cal row or ski
50 double under or 100 singles
Max hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45)
*Score is 25 + max hang snatch
Accumulate 2:00 banded hollow hold
Friday, April 28
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 power clean + front squat + push press (start w/ empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + inch worms w/ push-up
Partner WOD:
20 rounds for time (you go, I go) -
3 bar-facing burpees
3 power cleans
3 hang squat cleans or hang cleans
3 push press
3 bar-facing burpees
*Barbell weight = 135/95 or 95/65 or 65/45; partners switch after 1 full round
3x10 barbell hip thrusts (same weight as above)
Saturday, April 29
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 12 banded good mornings + 10 wall ball squats + 8 alt pistol squat to bench + 6 kip swings + :30 pigeon stretch/side
Every :90 x4 (12:00) -
12-16 alt pistol squat
16-20 KB swings (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/20)
20:00 EMOM for total wall balls -
100-200 meter run
8-10 kipping pull-ups or ring rows
Max wall balls (20/14 or 14/10)
3x12-15/side banded row from side plank