Monday, March 27 

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 barbell hip thrust (start light and build to Strength weight) + alt reverse Samson + alt Cossack squat; :30 easy jump rope between rounds 


In 15:00, superset the following for 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

  1. 10-12 barbell hip thrusts, explosive on the way up, :01 pause @ top, :03 descent (135/95 or 95/65) 

  2. 20 meter DB OH walking lunge (50/35 or 40/20), or DB suitcase walking lunge (2 @ 40/20 or 20/10) 


2 rounds for time -

50 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

800 meter run 

100 double under or 200 singles 


Accumulate 1:00 hamstring stretch/side + 1:00 pigeon stretch/side 

Tuesday, March 28 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 8 tempo ring rows + 10 banded bicep curls + :30 hands on bench stretch + 8 push-up to pike + :30 hollow hold 


Superset the following for 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

1st: 4 chin-ups + :10 chin over bar hold directly after 4th rep (scale to rings) 

2nd: 8 barbell bicep curls, :03 descent 

3rd: 10 DB alt crossover hammer curls


Then, superset the following for 4 rounds (:90 rest between rounds) -

1st: 10 DB skull crusher, moderate weight 

2nd: 12 Tate press, moderate weight (keep pressure between DB’s the entire time) 

3rd: 20 push-ups, weighted if possible 


Finally, superset the following for 3 rounds (:60 rest between rounds) -

10 v-ups 

15 tuck-ups 

20 sit-ups 

:30 side plank/side 

Wednesday, March 29 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 muscle clean + runner lunge w/ thoracic rotation/side + scorpion stretch/side; :30 easy bike between rounds 


In 15:00, compete 3 rounds (:60 rest between rounds) -

  1. 8 Turkish sit-ups/side, moderate weight

  2. 16 KB pull-through from plank (same weight as above)

  3. 5 power cleans, getting comfy with WOD weight (see below for weight suggestions) 


Every 2:00 until failure -

150 meter row or ski

9 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

3 power clean

*Power clean options - 1.) Start @ 60% 1RM and add 5% each round, building to a heavy triple (reps do not have to be touch and go)  2.) Stay light/moderate and add 2 reps each round; work-out ends when you can no longer complete all reps in the 2:00 timeframe.  The goal is to push yourself harder each round, either in weight or reps.  


3x8-10/side single leg KB RDL or staggered stance KB RDL /

Thursday, March 30 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 5 back squats (empty barbell) + 10 banded good mornings + 5 kip swings or :20 hollow rocks + 10 alt box step-ups 


10:00 EMOM - 

3-5 back squats, building to WOD weight 


For time -

50 bike calories 

40 box jump over or step-over (24/20 in) 

30 American KB swings (54/35 or 35/20) 

20 back squat @ bodyweight or ½ bodyweight 

10 bar muscle-up, chest-to-bar pull-up, or other challenging pull movement 


3x10-12 GHD hip extensions (:60 rest between sets) 

Friday, March 31

Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 60% 1RM jerk, or moderate weight (start with empty barbell for 10 strict press, then add weight and complete 3 jerks until you reach starting weight for Strength); between warm-up sets, get 10 pvc pass throughs 


Every 2:00 x5 (10:00), complete the following, starting @ 60% 1RM and building to a heavy single if possible (or stay light/moderate and complete 5-7 reps each set) - 


Push jerk or split jerk 

WOD: (16:00) 

8 rounds for max burpees (1:00 work/1:00 rest)

8 DB deadlifts (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20) 

4 DB thrusters (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20) 

Max burpees


3x8-10 DB seal row, moderate weight (:60 rest between sets)

Saturday, April 1 

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 shoulder tap from plank + :30 top of ring row hold + 10 alt toe touch from plank + 8 muscle snatch + 6 overhead squat (empty barbell or pvc) 


12:00 EMOM (complete 1 unbroken set each minute, then rest) - 

  1. Max unbroken HSPU, or any push-up variation 

  2. Max unbroken kipping pull-ups, banded pull-ups, or challenging ring rows 

  3. Rest 


For time -

1,000 meter run

10 hang power snatch (85/55) 

800 meter run

9 hang power snatch (95/65) 

600 meter run

8 hang power snatch (115/75) 

400 meter run

7 hang power snatch (125/85) 

200 meter run

6 hang power snatch (135/95) 


200 meter Farmer’s carry (2 @ moderate weight) 

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