Tuesday, December 26
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 DB bench press (start light and build to Strength weight) + Cossack squat/side + push-up to pike + pvc pass through + :30 easy bike
9:00 EMOM -
6 DB bench press (2 @ 70/50 or 50/35 or 40/20)
Every 8:00 x3 (24:00) -
Bike cals
*Complete all reps in 8:00 interval, then rest for remaining time; scale reps as needed to assure some rest each round
Accumulate 100 mountain climbers (rest as needed)
Wednesday, December 27
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 4 inch worms + 6 back squat (empty barbell) + 8 supine toes-to-rig + 10 alt box step-up + 12 alt reverse Samson
Every :90 x8 (12:00) -
3 back squat
*Start light and build to a moderately heavy set of 3 or stay moderate for 5 reps/set
15:00 AMRAP -
10 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10)
10 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
10 box jumps (24/20 in)
3x 12-15/side hip drops
Thursday, December 28
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 clean pull + 5 high clean pull + 5 muscle clean (empty barbell) + 10 banded good mornings + :30 easy row + :30 wrist rockers
12:00 EMOM -
3-5 power clean, warming up to WOD weight
:30 barbell roll out or plank on barbell https://youtu.be/3C1TRMJveXo?si=6krkMrAplXoox0kK
Rest `
In 20:00, superset the following x6 (:90 rest between rounds) -
20 pulls on rower for max power
3 power clean, touch and go (175/125 155/105 or 95/65)
*Goal is to dial in on form under fatigue and a moderately challenging load; weight remains the same through all sets
3x 10 barbell hip thrusts (135/95 or 95/65); rest as needed
Friday, December 29
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 6 hang power snatch (start w/ empty barbell) + 8 banded forward raise + 10 tempo ring row + 12 alt groiner + :30 easy jump rope
In 14:00, superset the following x3 (:90 rest between rounds) -
8-10/side 1-arm overhead DB walking lunge (50/35 or 40/20 or 20/10)
8-10/side 1-arm DB bent over row (same weight as above)
For time -
10 bar muscle-up, jumping bar muscle-up, or challenging pull movement
20 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35)
40 double under or 80 singles
20 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/45 or 45/35)
10 bar muscle-up, jumping bar muscle-up, or challenging pull movement
Accumulate 2:00 ring support hold or box support hold
Saturday, December 30
Warm-up: 3 rounds - :20 pigeon stretch/side + :20 HS hold or plank + 10 alt toe touch from plank + 5 burpee broad jump + 5/side thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation + 5 deadlift (start very light and slowly build)
Every :90 x4 (12:00) -
:30-:45 handstand work (e.g., shoulder taps on wall, plate marches on wall, extended plank, HS pirouettes, HS walk for speed, etc…) https://youtu.be/aQFqq4I2pGY?si=kO-sKZlCvYxOn9WI
3-5 deadlift (continue to build to WOD weight)
WOD: (12:00)
3 rounds for total burpees (3:00 work / 1:00 rest) -
15 handstand push-ups or seated DB OH press (2 @ 30/20 or 25/15 or 20/10)
15 deadlifts (225/155 or 155/105 or 95/65)
Max lateral burpees over barbell or max up downs
1:00 seated hamstring stretch/side + 1:00 banded hip flexor stretch/side + 1:00 figure-4 stretch/side