Monday, March 14
Warm-up: 2:00 easy row, bike, or ski (1 time) + 9-7-5 kip swings + ring rows + thrusters (start w/ empty barbell); 15 jump rope after each round
Extended Warm-up:
9:00 EMOM -
1st: :60 glute bridges
2nd: :60 sit-ups
3rd: Rest
For time (12:00 cap) -
21 pull-ups or jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups
42 double unders or single unders
21 thrusters (95/65 or 65/45)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups or chin-over-bar pull-ups
36 double unders or single unders
18 thrusters (115/75 or 85/55)
15 bar muscle-ups or chest-to-bar pull-ups
30 double unders or single unders
15 thrusters (135/85 or 105/65)
*Sub ring rows for pull-ups if needed
3x8-10 prone pvc press
Tuesday, March 15
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 50% 1RM front squat; between lifts get 10 alt groiners + 5 inch worms
E2MOM for 5 rounds (10:00) -
3 fronts squats + 3 back squats
*Start at 50% 1RM back squat and build if possible; both movements are completed in 2:00 timeframe; re-rack and take a few breaths after front squats
For time (21:00 cap) -
200/150 bike cals
:60 work/:30 rest; work out ends when you hit designated calories
Accumulate 1:00 banded hamstring stretch + 1:00 seated straddle stretch
Wednesday, March 16
Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 quad stretch/side + :30 jumping jacks + 10 alt step-ups + 10 pass throughs + 5 strict press
Every 8:00 for 4 rounds -
800 meter run
20 American KB swings (53/35 or 35/20)
15 box jumps or step-ups (24/20 or lower)
10 push press (95/65)
*Sub run for row or ski if needed; adjust reps as needed to assure at least :60 rest
Accumulate 50 -75 banded hamstring curls
Thursday, March 17
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to a moderately heavy hang power clean (70% power clean 1RM); get 5 push-up to pike between each set
In 16:00, work to complete the following sequence at 70% power clean 1RM, or moderately heavy weight -
Hang power cleans
*Stay at 70% the entire time
Every :90 until failure -
4 bar-facing burpees
1 power clean
*There are 2 ways to complete this work-out -
1st: For the athlete who is proficient at lifting a heavier power clean, start at 50% 1RM and build by 5% after each successful lift; when you miss the lift twice, you are out; score is the weight of your last successful lift
2nd: For the athlete who is still working on power clean technique, complete the following - every :90 for 10 rounds - 4 bar-facing burpees + 4 power cleans @ moderate weight
Accumulate 2:00 L-hang or tuck hang
Friday, March 18
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 plank-ups + single leg v-ups + split-stance squats/side + banded bent over rows
In 15:00, work to complete the following barbell sequence, building in weight if possible (rest at least :60 between sets) -
Split-stance squats
15:00 AMRAP -
Pull-ups, challenging ring rows, or barbell inverted rows
*Score is total number of reps
Accumulate 1:00 weighted star plank or side plank/side
Saturday, March 19
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 6 muscle snatches + 8 bootstrappers + 10 overhead squats w/pvc or empty barbell + 12 reverse Samsons
Every :30 for 10:00 (build in weight if possible, ending with a challenging single) -
1 power or squat snatch
For time -
Wall balls
*50 double unders or 100 single unders after each round
Accumulate 50 weighted hollow rocks