Monday, February 21
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - ring rows + push-up to pike + pass throughs + reverse Samson stretch
12:00 EMOM -
1st: 1 set - max effort push-ups
2nd: 1 set - max effort strict pull-ups or challenging ring rows
3rd: Rest
Road Trip
For time -
Bike cals
Row cals
*200 meter run after each round
Accumulate 50-75 banded tricep pulls
Tuesday, February 22
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 thread the needle w/ thoracic rotation/side ( + clean and jerk (build to WOD weight) + inch worms
Every :90 for 4 rounds -
1st: :45 handstand work, or challenging plank of choice
2nd: :45 single leg v-ups
“The Cali Bear”
Every :30 for 20:00 -
1 power clean and jerk (185/125 or 135/95 or 95/65)
*Choose a weight where you can make a solid lift every time - no misses
Accumulate 50-75 barbell bicep curls (45/35)
Wednesday, February 23
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 75% 1RM front squat or moderately heavy weight; between lifts get 6 alt groiners
In 16:00, work to complete 4 rounds of the following (2:00 rest between rounds) -
3 front squats + 6 back squats OR 9 challenging DB squats, heavier than you lifted last week if possible
*Weight at 75% 1RM front squat; take a few breaths between front and back squats
Hump Day
:90 work/:60 rest for 6 rounds (15:00) -
10 burpee box jumps or burpee step-ups
Max wall balls in remaining time
*Score is total # wall balls
Accumulate 1:00 adductor side plank/side
Thursday, February 24
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 65% 1RM bench press; between lifts, get 5 pass throughs + :30 banded side steps
In 15:00, work to complete the following -
Bench press
10-8-6-4-2 (65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85% 1RM)
*Rest at least 1:00 between sets
Wonder Woman
16:00 AMRAP -
4 alt DB snatch (50/35 or 40/20)
6 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
24 double unders or 48 singles
Accumulate 30-50 lateral v-ups/side
Friday, February 25
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 8 banded good mornings + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 5 deadlifts (building) + 8 ring rows + 5 DB split stance squats/side (start light and build)
Every :90 for 4 rounds -
1st: :30 flutter kicks, weighted if possible
2nd: :45 KB swings, challenging weight
Booty Burner
For time -
10 DB split stance squats/side (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20)
25 pull-ups or challenging ring rows
50 deadlifts (155/105)
3:00 rest
50 deadlifts (155/105)
25 pull-ups or challenging ring rows
10 DB split stance squats/side (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20)
3x8 windmills/side
Saturday, February 26
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 OHS w/pvc + 5 power snatches (start w/empty barbell) + :30 easy bike + :30 figure 4 stretch/side
8:00 EMOM -
1st: Max effort DB hang power cleans (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20)
2nd: Rest
Rough Waters
20:00 max calorie row
Min 0:00, get 10 power or squat snatches @ 50% 1RM
Min 4:00, get 8 power or squat snatches @ 60% 1RM
Min 8:00, get 6 power or squat snatches @ 70% 1RM
Min 12:00, get 4 power or squat snatches @ 80% 1RM
Min 16:00, get 2 power or squat snatches @ 85% 1RM
Accumulate 2:00 L-sit, L-hang, tuck sit, or tuck hang