Monday, November 14
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 50% 1RM bench press; between warm-up lifts get 5 tempo ring rows + 5 pvc pass throughs + 5 banded good mornings
In 12:00, complete 3 sets of the following (:90 between rounds) -
15-20 DB deadlifts, deficit and/or banded if possible (2 @ 50/35 or 35/20)
E2MOM x8 (16:00) for total bench press load -
3-5 bench press (start @ 50% 1RM and build by 5% each round if possible)
3 bar muscle-ups, 3-5 strict pull-ups, or 5-7 challenging inverted barbell rows
3x 8-10 DB lat pull-over
Tuesday, November 15
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 alt reach from squat + :30 alt quad stretch + 10 push-up to pike + :20 HS hold or plank + 10 alt scorpion stretch
10:00 EMOM -
1st: :30 max HSPU reps, or any challenging push-up variation, deficit if possible
2nd: Rest
For max distance -
21:00 row or ski meters
@ 3:00, 9:00, and 15:00 - 50 air squats
@ 6:00, 12:00, and 18:00 - 50 mountain climbers
Accumulate 1:00/side hip adductor side plank
Wednesday, November 16
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 back squats (empty barbell) + KB hip opener/side + inch worms; :30 jump rope between rounds
Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00) -
1st: 3-5 back squats, building to 60% 1RM
2nd: :30 supine hamstring curls on med ball
WOD: (20:00)
8-10 rounds for quality -
10 sit-ups, weighted if possible
20 double unders or 40 singles
1-3 back squat (start @ 60% 1RM and build to a heavy single if possible)
*If lifting on the lighter side, complete 3-5 back squats each round
3x 15-20 weighted side bends/side, moderate to heavy (:60 rest)
Thursday, November 17
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 8 strict press + 10 banded forward raises + 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded rows + :30 chest opening stretch
In 12:00, complete 3 rounds of the following (:90 rest between rounds) -
8 strict press + 6 push press + 4 push jerk (95/65 or 65/35)
*Pick a weight where you can complete all 18 reps unbroken
18:00 EMOM (6 rounds) -
1st: 12-15/9-12 cal bike
2nd: 1-3 push or split jerk (start @ 135/95 or 95/65 and build by 5% each round)
3rd: Rest
*If lifting light/moderate, complete 3-5 jerks each round; take barbell from rack
Accumulate 1:00 in each position/side - 3-way banded shoulder stretch
Friday, November 18
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 muscle clean + :30 hollow hold + 10 alt toe touch from plank + :30 alt reverse Samson + 10 pass throughs
Every :90 for 8 rounds (12:00) -
2-4 power cleans, building to WOD weight
Every 3:30 for 6 rounds (21:00) -
15 burpees or hand-release push-ups
12 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups
3 power clean (225/155 or 195/135 or 155/105)
*Adjust reps as needed to assure at least :60 rest each round
3x 8-10 Cuban press, light weight
Saturday, November 19
Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 muscle snatch + overhead squat + overhead lunge/side or front squat + runners lunge w/ thoracic rotation/side
Every :90 x8 (12:00), building to moderately heavy complex if possible (:90 rest between rounds) -
1 power snatch + 2 hang power snatch + 4 alt overhead reverse lunge
5 rounds for time -
400 meter run
15 overhead squat or front squat (95/65 or 65/35)
*Beginner 17-20; intermediate 13-16; advanced 10-12; elite < 9
75-100 sit-ups, weighted if possible