Monday, October 10

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 10 alt thoracic rotation from squat hold + 8 alt groiners + 6 back squats (start w/ empty bar + slowly build) + :30 quad stretch/side 


10:00 EMOM - 

1st: :30 v-ups 

2nd: :30 Russian twists (30/20 or 20/14) 


For total load lifted (scale weight as needed) - 

On a 20:00 clock

400 meter run

Max unbroken back squats (95/65) 

400 meter run 

Max unbroken back squats (135/95) 

400 meter run 

Max unbroken back squats (165/115) 

400 meter run

Max unbroken back squats (175/125) 

400 meter run 

Max back squats (185/135) until the 20 minute mark (you may re-rack the bar to rest for this last set and then continue squatting) 


1:00/side lateral hip banded distraction

Tuesday, October 11

Warm-up:  10-8-6-4-2 plank-ups + ring rows + pass throughs + close grip DB floor press (2 @ light weight)


In 14:00, complete the following sequence, increasing in weight each round if possible (:60 rest between rounds) - 

DB bench press 


*Suggested starting weight - 2 @ 45/30 or 30/15 


2 rounds for time - 

50 double unders or 100 singles 

40 sit-ups, weighted if possible 

30 push-ups, deficit if possible

20 burpees or no push-up burpees

10 muscle-ups, pull-ups (C2B if possible) or challenging ring rows 

2:00 rest 


3x 15-20 banded tricep pulls (:30 rest between sets) 

Wednesday, October 12 

Warm-up:  5-4-3-2-1 muscle clean and press (empty barbell) + scorpion stretch/side + inch worms w/ push-up 


Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00) - 

1st: 3-5 clean and jerk, getting warm for WOD 

2nd: 10-12 barbell hip thrusts (same weight as warm-up C&J weight for that round) 


On a 12:00 clock - 

10 clean and jerk (135/95 or 95/65) 

10 clean and jerk (155/105 or 105/75) 

10 clean and jerk (175/125 or 125/85) 

Max row or ski meters in remaining time 

*Score is 1.) C&J time  2.) Total row or ski meters 


3x12-15 lateral v-ups/side

Thursday, October 13 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + 10 WB cleans + 10 DB box step-ups (light) + :30 hands on box stretch + :30 elevated pigeon stretch/side 


Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00) - 

1st: 8-10 alt DB box step-ups (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20 or 20/10)

2nd: 15-20 KB swings (70/54 or 54/35 or 35/25)

WOD (16:00) 

7:00 clock (0:00-7:00) - 

60/50 cal bike 

Max wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

2:00 rest

7:00 clock (9:00-16:00) - 

75 wall balls (20/14 or 14/10) 

Max bike cals

*Score is the sum of WB’s from A + bike cals from B 


2x 10-12 supine hamstring curls on med ball

Friday, October 14

Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 muscle snatch + alt airplanes + alt toe touch from plank 

Partner WOD:

For time (you go, I go) - 

1,000 meter row or ski 

100 hang power snatch (95/65 or 65/35) 

1,000 meter row or ski 

100 DB deadlift (2 @ 50/35 or 40/20) 

1,000 meter row or ski 

100 HSPU, or any push-up variation 

1,000 meter row or ski

*Partners split reps evenly 


3x 8-10 incline Cuban press (:60 rest between sets)

Saturday, October 15

Warm-up:  2 rounds - 10 pass throughs + 8 banded rows + 10 reverse Samson + 8 alt single leg-v-ups + 10 alt box step-ups + :20 HS hold or plank 


30:00 EMOM - 

1st: 2-4 wall walks 

2nd: 10-12 1-arm OH walking lunge (5-6/arm) or goblet lunge (50/35 or 40/20) 

3rd: 12-15 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

4th:  8-10 box jumps or step-ups 

5th: Rest 


5 Turkish get-ups/side or Turkish sit-ups/side

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