Monday, January 31 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 ring rows + inch worms w/push-up + prone swimmers + air squats 


In 10:00, work to complete the following - 

3x max effort strict pull-ups (weighted if proficient) or challenging ring or barbell rows 

*Once you drop off the bar, rest for at least :60



For time (25:00 cap) - 

2,000 m row or ski 

40 wall balls 

1,000 m row or ski 

30 wall balls 

500 meter row or ski 

20 wall balls 

*Make note of your 2k pace for Saturday’s work out 


Accumulate 50-75 Russian twists w/wall ball 

Tuesday, February 1 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 banded good mornings + :30 runners lunge/side + 10 muscle clean and press (empty barbell) + :30 hamstring stretch/side


Every :90 for 8 rounds (12:00) - 

1 deadlift + 1 hang power clean + 1 push jerk (slowly build to WOD weight) 


DT (Crossfit Hero WOD honoring US Air Force SSgt Timothy P. Davis) 

5 rounds for time - 

12 deadlifts (155/105 or 115/85 or 95/65) 

9 hang power cleans (155/105 (or 115/85 or 95/65) 

6 push jerks (155/105 or 115/85 or 95/65) 

*Expected scores for DT - Beginner 15-19 mins; intermediate 10-14 mins; advanced 6-9 mins; elite < 5 mins


Accumulate 1:00 Superman hold + 1:00 alt Superman’s

Wednesday, February 2 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 side plank/side + 10 alt toe touches from plank + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 10 alt groiners w/thoracic rotation +  :30 chest opening stretch 


Every 3:00 for 3 rounds - 

20 sit-ups + :60 plank 


Hot Tamales 

10 rounds for time - 

10 calorie bike 

20 air squats 

10 push-ups 

*Wear a weighted vest if desired 


Accumulate 1:00 side plank hip drop/side

Thursday, February 3 

Warm-up: 5-4-3-2-1 back squats (start w/empty barbell and build to WOD weight) + v-ups + bootstrappers + scorpion stretch/side 


I Like Big Butts 

25:00 EMOM - 

1st: 10 back squats (165/105 or 115/85 or 95/65) 

2nd: 30-50 double unders or 60-100 singles 

3rd: 10 toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbow, or v-ups 

4th: 20-30 American KB swings (54/35) 

5th: Rest 


3x10-12` barbell hip thrusts 

Friday, February 4 

Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 80% 1RM bench press; between warm-up lifts, get 10 banded pull-aparts 


Every :90 for 8 rounds (12:00) - 

2-4 bench press @ 80% 1RM of what you tested several weeks ago 



For quality - 


Handstand push-ups or seated overhead press 

Pull-ups, or any challenging pull variation

*If proficient at HSPU’s, increase deficit for each round 


3x6-8 single arm bent-over rows/side - :03 concentric tempo 

Saturday, February 5 

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 front squats w/empty barbell + :30 alt quad stretch + :60 easy bike + 10 reverse Samsons 


In 20:00, build to a front squat 1RM, or stay moderate and get 3-5 squats every :90-2:00 


On Ramp 

10 rounds - 

250 row or ski 

2:00 rest between rounds 

*Start at 2k pace, and try to slowly increase each round; last round should be a sprint as fast as possible 


Accumulate 50 banded hamstring curls 

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