Monday, September 27
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 alternating toe touches from plank + 10 plank-ups + 3-5 power cleans (building to WOD weight) + :30 easy bike + :30 chest opening stretch
25:00 AMRAP -
150 double unders
50 push-ups
15 power cleans (185/125)
*Scale weight as needed - 135/95 for intermediate athlete, 95/65 for fitness athlete
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 75-100 hollow rocks
Tuesday, September 28
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP @ steady pace - 10 pass throughs + 10 ring rows + 100 meter run + 10 reverse Samson’s + 5-10 kip swings or :20 Superman hold
28:00 EMOM -
1st: 3-6 muscle-ups or 12-15 pull-ups
2nd: 250/200 meter row or ski
3rd: 15/12 calorie bike
4th: Rest
*Scale pull-ups to ring rows; adjust reps as needed to finish within the minute
Accessory (optional):
3x8-10 1-arm tempo bent over rows/side (:02 concentric)
Wednesday, September 29
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 OHS w/pvc + :30 t-spine stretch + 10 bootstrappers + :30 alt quad stretch + 10 snatch balances w/pvc or empty barbell
12:00 EMOM -
1st: 1-3 power snatch, building to WOD weight
2nd: :30 alt pistol squats
15 rounds for time -
10 wall balls
2 power snatches (135/95 or 95/65)
Accessory (optional):
3x8-10 DB external rotations
Thursday, September 30
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 75% bench press 1RM; in between lifts get 10 banded pull-aparts + :30 crab stretch
Every :90 for 4 rounds (12:00) -
1st: 5-7 bench press @ 75% 1RM
2nd: 6-12 ring dips or 12-15 dips from bench
For time -
50 toes-to-bar
50 box jump overs
50 sit-ups
50 DB deadlifts (50/35 or 40/20)
*Scale box jump overs to step-overs; scale toes-to-bar to v-ups
Friday, October 1
Warm-up: In 10:00, build towards 55% 1RM back squat; in between warm-up lifts get :30 banded side steps + 10 groiners
In 20:00, work to complete the following back squat sequence -
10@55% 1RM
8@60% 1RM
6@65% 1RM
4@75% 1RM
2@ 85% 1RM
*In remaining time, build toward a heavy single if you’re feeling good
Working 2:00 on/1:00 off -
20/15 calorie row
Max effort front squats in remaining time (95/65)
*Score is the length of time it takes you to hit 100 front squats
Saturday, October 2
Warm-up: 200 meter run + 10-8-6-4-2 muscle clean + strict press + front rack lunges (all done w/empty barbell)
For time -
Buy-in: 50 calorie bike
Directly into
50 hang power cleans (95/65)
40 push press (95/65)
30 bar-facing burpees
20 handstand push-ups
30 pull-ups
40 double unders
50 front rack lunges (95/65)
Cash-out: 50 calorie bike
*Scale weight as needed