Monday, 6/28
Warm-up: 10:00 AMRAP@steady pace - :30 bike + 20 m Spider-Man stretch + 20 m high knees + 10 banded forward raises + 10 banded pull-aparts
In 15:00, complete 3 supersets of the following for quality -
12 KB single leg RDL/side
8 KB goblet Cossack squats/side
Rest :60-:90 between sets
*Weight should be moderate - focus on quality and control of each movement
8:00 AMRAP -
15 wall ball shots (20/14)
6 1-arm alt Devil press (50/35 or 35/20)
*Coaches challenge - can you get 1 round/minute?
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 50 v-ups for quality
Tuesday, 6/29
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 20 m bear crawl + :30 plank-ups + 5 kip swings + 20 m burpee broad jumps + 8 bench press w/empty bar (slowly start building toward 90% 1RM)
For 15:00 -
0:00-5:00 - continue building to 90% 1RM bench press
5:00-15:00 - complete 1 bench press @ 90% 1RM every :60 for 10:00
3 rounds for time -
20 hang power cleans (95/65)
15 bar-facing burpees
10 bike calories
5 bar muscle-ups or 7 strict pull-ups or ring rows (as horizontal as possible)
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 100 dips from bench
Wednesday, 6/30
Warm-up: :60 banded side steps + 10-8-6-4-2 - muscle cleans w/empty barbell + OHS w/pvc + pass throughs + bootstrappers
Every :90 for 10 rounds -
Sets 1&2 - 3 squat cleans@60% 1 RM
Sets 3&4 - 2 squat cleans@70% 1RM
Sets 5&6 - 1 squat clean@80% 1RM
Sets 7&8 - 2 squat cleans@70% 1RM
Sets 9&10 - 3 squat cleans@60% 1RM
5 rounds (2:00 work/:60 rest) -
20/16 cal row
Max effort overhead squats (95/65 or 55/35)
*Score is total number of OHS
Accessory (optional):
:60 weighted glute bridge hold/:60 rest x2
Thursday, 7/1
Warm-up: 200 meter run + 2 rounds - 10 pass throughs + 10 inch worms w/push-up + :30 handstand hold or plank + 15 plate ground to overhead, light
12:00 EMOM, for quality -
1st: 10 DB or KB deadlifts, challenging weight
2nd: :30 ski, moderate pace
3rd: 10-15 toes-to-bar
*Stagger starting points to account for # of skiers
For time -
100 handstand push-ups
Every time you break, get 30 double unders (or 60 singles)
*Scale HSPU to pike push-ups or seated overhead DB press
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 75-100 Russian twists
Friday, 7/2
Warm-up: 200 meter run + :30 t-spine stretch + :30 passive bar hang + 5-4-3-2-1 v-ups + deadlift (slowly build towards 55%)) + split stance squats/side + groiners/side
In 14:00, complete the following deadlift sequence -
10@55% 1RM; 8@65% 1RM; 6@75% 1RM; 4@ 85% 1RM; 2@90% 1RM
For time -
Buy in: 400 meter run w/wall ball
Directly into -
Wall ball sit-ups (20/14)
DB or KB front rack lunges (50/35 or 30/20)
*Wall ball should tap overhead and at feet; if used to volume, you can scale up to GHD sit-ups w/10# wall ball
Saturday, 7/3
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - ring rows + kip swings + jumping squats or air squats + scorpion stretch
5 rounds for time -
800 meter run
30 KB swings (70/53)
30 pull-ups
*Scale pull-ups to ring rows
**Good times for Eva - Beginner 59-60 mins; intermediate 44-54 mins; advanced 35-39 mins; elite < 32 mins