Monday, 2/22

Warm-up: :60 easy bike + 20 alternating step-ups + 15 pass throughs, followed by:  5-4-3-2-1 - hang snatch + push-ups + horizontal ring rows 


On a 12:00 running clock, complete 4-5 sets of the following complex - 

1 snatch grip deadlift + 1 hang power snatch (above the knee) + 1 power snatch (from ground) 

*Build to a moderate weight 


For time - 

40/30 calorie bike 

40 single DB alternating step-ups (50/35 or 35/20) 

20 single DB OH lunges 

40 pull-ups 

20 single DB OH lunges 

40 single DB alternating step-ups 

40/30 calorie bike 

*DB can be held in any way above the waist 

Accessory (optional)

Accumulate 2:00 hollow hold 

Tuesday, 2/23 

Warm-up: On a 10:00 running clock, complete as many rounds as possible at a steady pace - 3 back squats (start w/empty bar and build) + 10 bootstrappers + 10 groiners + 10 plank-ups + 10 banded pull-aparts


On a 14:00 running clock, build to a tough set of 3 back squats 


“The Chief”

5 rounds - 

3:00 AMRAP: 

3 power cleans (135/95) 

6 push-ups 

9 air squats 

:60 rest between rounds 

Accessory (optional)

30 GHD hip extensions or 25 banded quadruped hip extensions/side 

Wednesday, 2/24

Warm-up: 2 rounds - :30 plate hops + 10 plate ground to overhead + :30 chest opening stretch + 1 jumping pull-up w/:05 chin over bar hold + 10 banded bent over rows 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: Max effort strict pull-ups (once you drop off the bar, rest) 

2nd: :45 smooth double unders, 1:1 double single, or smooth singles 

*The focus is not on how many you can get in :45, but rather how tight you can stay.  Keep an imaginary pencil squeezed under your armpit and only move at wrist.  Keep a light, steady jump on your toes (no stomping) 


10 rounds for time - 

12 push press (95/65) 

24 double unders (or 48 singles) 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 50 barbell bicep curls (45/35) 

Thursday, 2/25

Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 plank + 10 reverse Samson’s + :30 elevated pigeon stretch/side + 10 push-up to pike + :45 easy row 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 15 weighted, straight-leg sit-ups 

2nd: 15 Russian KB swings, moderate to heavy

3rd:  5 deadlifts (slowly building to the weight you plan to lift in WOD) 


4 rounds for time - 

15 toes-to-bar 

15 deadlifts (225/155 or 155/105) 

400 meter run (or row) 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 barbell glute raises 

Friday, 2/26

Warm-up: 2 rounds - 5 burpee broad jumps + 5 bench press w/empty bar + 10 muscle cleans + 10 front squats + 10 pass throughs 


On a 14:00 clock - 

Bench press - build to a tough set of 3 


In teams of 2, one partner working at a time (20:00 cap) - 

8 rounds (4 per partner): 

10 hang cleans (95/65) 

8 burpees over bar 

Directly into: 

8 rounds (4 per partner) 

8 hang squat cleans (95/65) 

10 calorie ski 

Accessory (optional): 

200 meter Farmers carry 

Saturday, 2/27 

Warm-up: shoulder mobility (coaches choice), directly into 3 rounds - 10 banded pull-aparts + 5 calorie bike + 10 overhead squats w/pvc or empty barbell + 5 Sotts press w/pvc or empty barbell 


In 12:00, work to a challenging set of 3 overhead squats, or spend this time working on overhead squat mobility and form


On a 4:00 running clock, complete 4 sets of the following: 

500/400 meter row 

15 power snatch 

Max double unders in remaining time

:60 rest between sets 

*Snatch reps decrease by 3 each set….15,12, 9, 6

Set 1 - 15 reps @ 95/65, or 65/45

Set 2 - 12 reps @ 115/75 or 75/55

Set 3 - 9 reps @ 135/95 or 95/65 

Set 4 - 6 reps @ 155/105 or 115/75

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 2:00 side plank/side + 50 weighted side bends/side 

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