Monday, October 25
Warm-up: In 10:00, build to 60% 1RM front squat, or moderate weight; in between warm-up lifts, get 10 reverse Samson’s + 10 banded forward raises
In 15:00, work to complete the following front squat sequence -
10 @ 60% 1RM
8 @ 65% 1RM
8 @ 70% 1RM
8 @ 75% 1RM
*Between sets, get :30 jump rope for quality
For time -
50 double unders
10 front squats
21 hang clean and jerks
50 double unders
10 front squats
15 hang clean and jerks
50 double unders
10 front squats
9 hang clean and jerks
*Weight no heavier than 95/65
**Scale double unders to 100 singles
Accessory (optional):
:60 banded hamstring stretch/side + :30 shoulder stretch/side
Tuesday, October 26
Warm-up: 10-8-6-4-2 - kip swings + lunges + bootstrappers + pass throughs + banded pull-aparts
12:00 EMOM for quality -
1st: :40 wall sit, weighted if possible
2nd: :60 push-ups
3rd: Rest
In 3:00, complete -
200 meter run
30 goblet lunges (50/35)
Max pull-ups
Rest 3:00
In 3:00, complete -
300 meter run
20 goblet lunges (53/35)
Max pull-ups
Rest 3:00
In 3:00, complete -
400 meter run
10 goblet lunges (53/35)
Max pull-ups
*Score is total number of pull-ups
Accessory (optional):
3x20 banded lat pull-downs
Wednesday, October 27
Warm-up: In 10:00, warm up to 80% power clean 1RM; in between lifts, get 20 glute bridges + 5 push-ups to pike
Every :90 for 6 rounds -
2 power cleans @ 80% 1RM, or moderately heavy weight
3 rounds for time -
12 deadlifts (225/155)
12 bar-facing burpees
9 deadlifts (225/155)
9 bar-facing burpees
6 deadlifts (225/155)
6 bar-facing burpees
*2:00 rest between rounds; one round constitutes all 12-9-6 reps; score is total time, including rest
Accessory (optional):
3x10 GHD hip extensions or 3x15 banded quadruped hip extensions/side
Thursday, October 28
Warm-up: 2 rounds - 10 bootstrappers + 5 inch worms w/push-up + 10 banded bent over rows + 10 air squats + :30 runners lunge/side
9:00 EMOM for quality -
1st: :30 front rack DB squats, challenging weight
2nd: :30 renegade rows
3rd: Rest
5 rounds for max wall balls -
2:00 on/2:00 rest
20 sit-ups
Max wall balls
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 50 weighted side bends/side
Friday, October 29
Warm-up: 3 rounds - :30 jumping jacks + :30 mountain climbers + 20 m high knees + 20 m butt kicks + 10 kip swings
For time (TC 35 mins) -
5,000 meter row or ski
*Every 2:00, get 8 toes-to-bar or v-ups
Accessory (optional):
Accumulate 30 single leg glute bridges/side
Saturday, October 30
Warm-up: 3 rounds - 10 pass throughs + 5 muscle snatches + 10 plank-ups + 5 snatch balances
10:00 AMRAP -
10 hollow rocks + 20 single leg v-ups + 30 sit-ups + 40 Russian twists + 50 shoulder taps from plank
For time -
800 meter run
30 power snatch (95/65 or 65/35)
400 meter run
30 power snatch (95/65 or 65/35)
200 meter run
Accessory (optional):
:60 t-spine stretch + :60 pigeon stretch/side