Monday, 12/21

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 snatch pulls + 3 muscle snatches + 3 OHS + 10 banded pull-aparts + 10 banded pass throughs 


In 14:00, complete 5 rounds of the following complex: 

3-position snatch (high hang snatch from hips + low hang snatch just above the knee + snatch from the ground) 

*Keep weight light to moderate, adding a little each round if possible 


3 Rounds for time: 

10 Overhead squats (135/95 or 95/65) 

500 Meter row 

10 Overhead squats 

:60 rest between rounds 

Accessory (optional): 

Accumulate 30 DB external rotations/side 

Tuesday, 12/22

Warm-up:  3 rounds - 5 cleans pulls + 3 muscle cleans + 6 alt thoracic rotations from squat position + :30 pigeon stretch/side + 10 scap pull-ups + 10 kip swings 


In 14:00 complete the following clean sequence: 

3-position clean - 2 @65% 1RM; 2 @75%; 2 @80%; 2 @85%

*10 Hollow rocks between lifts 



CTB pull-ups



*Round of 30 @135/95; round of 20 @185/135; rounds of 10 @225/155


Accumulate 30-50 Pendlay rows 

Wednesday, 12/23

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 3 1 ¼ back squats + 10 m death march + 10 m Samson stretch + :30 plank + :30 banded side steps 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 6 1 ¼ back squats (moderate weight) 

2nd: :45 plank marches 


For time: 

50/40 Calorie bike 

50 Suitcase lunges (50/35)

50 Hand-release push-ups 

50 Wall balls (20/14) 

*Use 2 DB’s for lunges 


Accumulate 2:00 arch hold 

Thursday, 12/24

Warm-up: 3 rounds - 5 presses from split jerk position + 10 v-ups + :30 high knees + 10 groiners + 10 alt toe touches from plank 


In 14:00, work to a tough clean and jerk single 

*Get 10 smooth double unders between lifts 


Every 3:00 for 15:00:

10 Toes-to-bar

20 Alt hang DB clean and jerk (50/35) 

Max double unders


Accumulate 80 m KB 1-arm waiters carry/side 

Friday, 12/25

No class - Happy Holidays! 

Saturday, 12/26

Warm-up: Complete 2 reps of every movement in WOD w/empty barbell, followed by 2 rounds of :30 t-spine stretch + 10 bootstrappers 


“12 Days of Christmas” 

For time, adding 1 movement per round: 

1 Sumo deadlift high pull (75/55) 

2 Thrusters 

3 Push press 

4 Power cleans 

5 Power snatches

6 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

7 Pull-ups 

8 Toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 

9 Box jumps 

10 Double unders

11 Burpees

12 Overhead walking lunges 

*75/55 for all barbell movements 

**Complete all exercises in ascending order, working back down to 1 each round.  For example, complete 1, then 2 + 1, then 3 + 2 +1, then 4 + 3 + 2 + 1, etc…….


Accumulate a total of 100 single leg v-ups 

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