Happy Thanksgiving!  🦃🍁 

Monday, November 23 

Warm up: 3 rounds for quality - 10 reverse Samson’s w/:01 pause at bottom + 5 inch worms + 10 Alternating Cossack squats + 15 pass throughs 



Calorie row

Calorie bike

Calorie ski 

*Pay attention to Calories/hour on rower and skier, and RPMs on bike - find a challenging pace that you can maintain.  For example, you may find 800 calories/hour challenging on the rower and skier and 200 RPMs challenging on the bike.  Fight to keep it  there each round.


Complete as many rounds as you can in 20:00, working at 70% effort- 

20 Goblet squats (35/53)

10 Push-ups 

20 Goblet lunges (35/53) 

10 Pull-ups


Max effort plank, unbroken 

Tuesday, November 24

Warm up: 3 rounds - 5 muscle cleans + 5 burpee broad jumps + 10 m alt quad stretch + :30 high knees 


12:00 EMOM: 

1st: 5 Tall cleans (light weight) - quick turnover w/high elbows 

2nd: :40 Box jumps w/soft landing 


From 0-5:00

800 Meter run 

Max v-ups or sit-ups 

Rest 2:00

From 7-11:00

600 Meter run 

Max burpees 

Rest 2:00

From 13-16:00

400 Meter run 

Max double unders or singles 


Accumulate a total of 30 single leg glute bridges/side 

Wednesday, November 25

Warm up: 3 rounds for quality - :30 hamstring stretch + 12 banded good mornings + 10 alt lateral skates + :30 Superman hold 


Every :90 for 4 rounds: 

1st: 8-10 Romanian DB deadlifts, 3131 tempo (moderate weight) 

2nd: :30 lateral hops over DBs 


45 KB swings (53/70)

400 Meter row 

35 KB swings 

800 Meter row 

25 KB swings 

1200 Meter row 

15 KB swings 


30 GHD hip extensions, or quadruped hip extensions/side 

Thursday, November 26

Happy Thanksgiving!  🦃🍁 

8:30am group training 

Friday, November 27

Warm up: 3 rounds - 10 plank rotations/side + 5 muscle cleans + 5 muscle snatches + :30 handstand hold or plank


In 14:00, Complete 4-5 rounds of the following, at a very steady pace: 

5 touch-and-go snatches, light to moderate weight 

7 Handstand push-ups, pike push-ups, or hand release push-ups 


For time: 

50 Sit-ups 

20 Power cleans (95/135 or 65/95) 

25 Calorie bike

40 Sit-ups 

15 Power cleans 

20 Cal bike 

30 Sit-ups 

10 Power cleans 

15 Cal bike 


Accumulate 30 plank-ups 

Saturday, November 28

Warm up: 3 rounds - :30 banded side steps + :30 banded glute bridges + 10 single leg v-ups + 10 tuck-ups + 5 back squats w/empty barbell (adding weight each round) 


In 14:00, work to complete the following sequence: 


Back squats, adding weight each round if possible 


6 Rounds for time: 

25 Wall balls 

10 Toes-to-bar or knees-to-elbow 


Tabata Russian twists - weight optional 

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