Monday January 13-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead + :30 hang from bar + 20m walking lunges]
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
5 back squats @20x1 tempo, light/moderate
3-5 strict pull ups w/:03 negative
3 sets for total calories:
For 3:00
8 thrusters, 65/95
8 burpees
8 thrusters
Max calories in the remaining time
2:00 rest
2-3 rounds not for time:
8-10/side 1-arm DB external rotations, 30x0 tempo
:30-:45 arrested superman
Monday January 13-Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [5 air squats w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead + :30 hang from bar + 20m walking lunges]
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
40 m gun walk with plate or dumbbells
20 plate overhead reverse lunges
10 renegade rows
3 sets for total calories:
For 3:00
8 dumbbell thrusters
8 burpees
8 thrusters
Max calories in the remaining time
2:00 rest
2-3 rounds not for time:
8-10/side 1-arm DB external rotations, 30x0 tempo
:30-:45 arrested superman
Tuesday January 14-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 wrist stretch + :30 jumping jacks + 20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch]
Every :60 for 14:00
1st: 1 clean-grip deadlift + 1 clean pull + 1 power clean, build so last set is moderate/tough
2nd: :30-:45 double unders
For time (16:00 cap)
30 deadlifts, 95/135
30 box jump overs
10 wall walks
30 hang power cleans, 65/95
30 pull ups
30 hand-release push ups
2-3 rounds not for time:
:30/side plank
:30 handstand hold
Tuesday January 14-Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 wrist stretch + :30 jumping jacks + 20m penguin walk + 20m quad stretch]
Every :60 for 14:00
1st: :30 1-arm alternating dumbbell clean and jerk
2nd: :45 jump rope
For time (16:00 cap)
30 double DB or KB deadlifts
30 box overs
20 bike calories
30 DB hang power cleans
30 ring rows
30 hand-release push ups
2-3 rounds not for time:
:30/side plank
:30 plank with elbows on med ball or exercise ball
Wednesday January 15-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 alternating side lunges + 12 light banded pull aparts + 20m high knees + 20m jog]
For 12:00
Build to a tough front squat triple
Get in some rope climb practice during rest periods
AMRAP in 10:00
15 overhead squats, up to 65/95
50 double unders
15 russian kettlebell swings
50 double unders
4 sets:
:15 row sprint
1:45 rest
Wednesday January 15-Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 alternating side lunges + 12 light banded pull aparts + 20m high knees + 20m jog]
For 12:00, steady pace:
15 goblet squats
12 alternating bicep curls
9 cable tricep pulls
AMRAP in 10:00
15 plate ground to overhead
50 sit ups
15 russian kettlebell swings
50 jump rope
Not for time, accumulate a total of:
60 calorie ski
45 knees to elbow
Thursday January 16-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + 15 banded good mornings + :30 plank march]
Every :60 for 10:00
1st: :30 L-sit or L-hang
2nd: 8 dual DB bent over rows, 20x1 tempo
20:00@70% steady pace
40m farmers carry, tough
25 row/bike/ski calories
:60 plank
1 rope climb or 3 seated pulls to standing
2 sets NFT:
:30 hollow rocks
12/side banded tricep extensions
Thursday January 16-Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [15 light kettlebell swings + 15 banded good mornings + :30 plank march]
For 10:00, steady pace:
:45 plank
8 KB or DB rows, left 20x1 tempo
8 KB or DB rows, right 20x1 tempo
*really focus on keeping a flat back, placing free hand on bench or box for support
20:00 EMOM:
1st: 20 air squats
2nd: 12-14 calories (lower calories if needed to assure :15 rest)
3rd: :30 top of ring row hold (thumbs to chest)
4th: 12-14 alternating dumbbell snatches
2 sets NFT:
:30 hollow rocks
12/side banded tricep extensions
Friday January 17-CrossFit and Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds [12 light goblet squats + :30 plank + 20m bear + 20m jog]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 20m dumbbell walking lunges, tough
2nd: 20 russian twists + 10-15 banded forward raises
For time (17:00 cap)
1200m row
60 wall balls
90 sit ups
3 rounds for time (17:00 cap)
400m row
20 wall balls
30 sit ups
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 alternating dumbbell curl and press
Accumulate 30 V-ups