Monday, March 11 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 10 m Samson stretch, 10 m bear crawl, 10 step ups, 5 push ups, 10 pass throughs
Every :60 for 10:00:
1: 5 DB squats, light to moderate
2: 4 DB squats, up in weight
3: 3 DB squats, up in weight
4: 2 DB squats, up in weight
5: 1 DB squat, up in weight
*Repeat to complete 2 rounds
**only go up in weight if possible with perfect form
For time with 10:00 cap
200 ft 1-arm DB overhead lunges, switch arms as needed. If you struggle with overhead mobility, lunge w/DB in front rack position
50 DB step ups
50 hand release push ups
200 ft bear crawl, high hips
Not for time:
50 alternating bicep curls
Complete 2:00 of front rack KB hold, focus on engaging core
Monday, March 11 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 10 m Samson stretch, 10 m bear crawl, 10 step ups, 5 push ups, 10 pass throughs
Every :60 for 10:00:
1st: 4 light back squats
2nd: :30 double under practice
For time with 10:00 cap
200 ft 1-arm DB overhead lunges, switch arms as needed, 35/50. If you struggle with overhead mobility, lunge w/DB in front rack position
50 DB step ups
50 hand release push ups or strict handstand push ups
200 ft bear crawl, high hips
Not for time:
50 alternating bicep curls
Complete 2:00 of front rack KB hold, focus on engaging core
Tuesday, March 12 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: :20 bottom of push up hold, :30 wall sit, 10 inch worms, 10 pull aparts
Every :60 for 12:00:
:30 thrusters
2-3 wall walks
Wall balls
DB clean and press
Calorie row, bike or ski
3 rounds not for time:
12 trx knees to elbow
40 m plate pinch carry
Tuesday, March 12 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: :20 bottom of push up hold, :30 wall sit, 10 inch worms, 10 pull aparts
Every :60 for 12:00:
1st: 5 hang power cleans, light/moderate
2nd: :30 handstand hold
For time:
Wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’
Power clean and jerk, up to 95/135
Calorie row, bike or ski
Encourage people to push the weight on this, they can do singles the whole way if they need to as long as they are quick singles.
3 rounds not for time:
:20-:30 hanging knee tuck
40 m plate pinch carry
Wednesday, March 13 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 5 burpees, 20 m Frankenstein’s, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks
12 minute EMOM:
1: :30 right split stance lunge, plate overhead
2: :30 left split stance lunge, plate overhead
3: :30 plate ground to overhead
2:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1: 8-10 devils press
2: 8-10 calories
3: :30 hollow hold
2:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 renegade rows
2: :30 side plank rotation left
3: :30 side plank rotation right
Wednesday, March 13 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 5 burpees, 20 m Frankenstein’s, 20 m high knees, 20 m butt kicks
12 minute EMOM:
1: :30 burpees
2: :30 V-ups
3: :30 strict pull ups, use band if necessary
2:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1: 8-10 devils press
2: 8-10 calories
3: :30 hollow hold
2:00 rest
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 renegade rows
2: :30 side plank, L
3: :30 side plank, R
Thursday, March 14 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then: 2 rounds- 10 OHS with band or PVC,
:45 jacks, :30 high knees, :30 mountain climbers
Every :90 for 12:00:
1: :30 dumbbell snatch, 9 v-ups
2: :30 plank, 9 burpees
“Nancy” - 5 rounds for time (17:00 cap)
400 m run
15 overhead squats (65/95)
Not for time:
75 glute bridges
Thursday, March 14 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then: 2 rounds- 10 OHS with band or PVC,
:45 jacks, :30 high knees, :30 mountain climbers
Every :90 for 12:00:
1: 2 snatch-grip deadlifts + 2 power snatches
2: 20m/side 1-arm farmers carry
“Nancy” - 5 rounds for time (17:00 cap)
400 m run
15 overhead squats (65/95)
Overhead squat weight should be done either unbroken or in two sets, so people should go light on this especially if they are slow runners/struggle with mobility/are still new to this movement.
Not for time:
75 glute bridges
Friday, March 15 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 15 good mornings, 15 forward raises with band, 15 banded tricep extensions per side, 20 m walking lunges
For 10:00, working at moderate pace:
10 RDLs, moderate to heavy
15 calorie bike
20 weighted sit ups
3 rounds for total reps:
:60 jump rope
:60 knees to elbows
:60 KB deadlift
:60 rest
3 rounds not for time:
10 3 point dB rows
15 kB swings, moderate weight
Friday, March 15 - CrossFit
Warm up: :60 row, bike, or ski, then 2 rounds: 15 good mornings, 15 forward raises with band, 15 banded tricep extensions per side, 20 m walking lunges
Build to a tough squat clean in 10:00 or use time to work on squat clean technique work
3 rounds for total reps:
:60 double unders
:60 toes to bar
:60 kettlebell swings
:60 rest
Even if people can do double unders one at a time, they should do double over singles, they should be using this as practice. Also, encourage the CF athletes to do toes to bar, even if it’s one at a time.
3 rounds not for time:
10 3 point dB rows
15 hip extensions
*Posterior chain put to work to day. Critical for posture, stability, and strength, and plays a role in reducing pain in knees, hips, and back.