Monday December 16 - Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 snatch balances, 5 inch worms with push up, 20 m Samson, 20 m quad stretch
For 14:00:
Work to find front squat 1RM
*:30 barbell plank between lifts
Bike or ski calories
Hang power snatch (95/65)
Pull ups
Not for time:
Accumulate 50-60 lat pull downs
Monday December 16 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 snatch balances, 5 inch worms with push up, 20 m Samson, 20 m quad stretch
For 14:00:
1: :30 battle ropes
2: 5 burpees
Bike or ski calories
DB snatch 35/20
Pull ups
Not for time:
Accumulate 50-60 lat pull downs
Tuesday December 17 - Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 good mornings, 6 suitcase deadlifts, 20 m Spider-Man
12:00 m EMOM:
1st: 15 kB swings
2nd: 12 weighted reverse lunges from 45# plate (6/side)
3rd: 40 m heavy Farmers Carry
3:00 on/1:00 off for 4 rounds:
20 sit ups
15 deadlifts (225/155)
AMRAP burpees over bar
*score is total number of burpees
2 rounds not for time:
12 renegade rows
15 tricep kickbacks/side
Tuesday December 17 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 15 good mornings, 6 suitcase deadlifts, 20 m Spider-Man
12:00 m EMOM:
1st: 15 kB swings
2nd: 12 reverse lunges
3rd: 40 m heavy Farmers Carry
3:00 on/1:00 off for 4 rounds:
20 sit ups
15 single kb deadlift
AMRAP burpees over kb
*score is total number of burpees
2 rounds not for time:
12 renegade rows
15 tricep kickbacks/side
Wednesday December 18 - Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 12 toe touches from plank, 5 thrusters with pvc or empty barbell, 20 m bear crawl, :30 pec stretch
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 5 strict press + 10 ring rows (feet elevated on box if possible)
2nd: :45 toes to bar or kipping practice
For time:
Thrusters (95/65)
Box jumps
Directly into:
Wall balls
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 Russian twists
Accumulate 2:00 plank (forearms on wall ball)
Wednesday December 18 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 12 toe touches from plank, 5 thrusters with pvc or empty barbell, 20 m bear crawl, :30 pec stretch
Every :90 for 4 rounds:
1st: 5 dB strict press (find heavy 5 for the day) + 10 ring rows (feet elevated on box if possible)
2nd: :45 knees to elbow/toes to bar
For time:
DB thrusters 35/20
Box jumps
Directly into:
Wall balls
Not for time:
Accumulate 50 Russian twists
Accumulate 2:00 plank (forearms on wall ball)
Thursday December 19 - Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, 5 light DB clean and press, :30 jacks, 10 banded pass throughs, 10 OHS with band
Every :90 for 5 rounds:
1st: 1 power clean, 1 hang power clean, 1 split jerk (build to heavy complex or work on form)
2nd: :45 double unders
For time:
1,500 m row
30 overhead squats (95/65)
1,000 m row
30 overhead squats (95/65)
500 m row
2-3 Rounds not for time:
:20 L-hang or L-sit
:30 star plank/side
Thursday December 19 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - :30 wrist stretch, 5 light DB clean and press, :30 jacks, 10 banded pass throughs, 10 OHS with band
Every :90 for 5 rounds
1: 5 hang clean + 5 thrusters + 5 oh press + 5 burpees
2: :45 jump rope
For time:
1,500 m row
30 goblet squats
1,000 m row
30 goblet squats
500 m row
2-3 Rounds not for time:
:20 L-hang or L-sit
:30 star plank/side
Friday December 20 - Crossfit
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 pistols/side to bench or from rings, 8 ring rows, 20 m high knees, 20 m quad stretch, 15 glute bridges
For 12:00 steady pace:
3 front squats at 75% 1RM
6 ring dips
40 m sled push or bear crawl with sandbag
12:00 AMRAP:
6 pistols (3/side)
9 pull ups
12 power cleans (95/135)
2-3 rounds not for time:
10 barbell bicep curls (55/35)
15 banded pull aparts
Friday December 20 - Bootcamp
Warm up: :60 row bike ski or run + 2 rounds - 5 pistols/side to bench or from rings, 8 ring rows, 20 m high knees, 20 m quad stretch, 15 glute bridges
For 12:00 steady pace:
3 front squats
12 tricep pull downs (can use machine or bands)
40 m sled push or 40 m med ball carry heavy
12:00 AMRAP:
6 air squats
9 ring row
12 dB hang power clean
2-3 rounds not for time:
10 barbell bicep curls (55/35)
15 banded pull aparts