Monday November 4-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 20m quad stretch + 20m broad jumps + 5/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks]
For time (20:00 cap)
30 box jumps
15 clean and jerks, 65/95 (scaled 35/65)
30 box jumps
15 clean and jerks, 85/135 (55/95)
30 box jumps
10 clean and jerks, 115/185 (75/115)
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
10 clean and jerks, 145/225 (95/135)
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
5 clean and jerks, 175/275 (115/155)
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
5 clean and jerks, 205/315 (135/185)
For 12:00
1st: :30 lemon squeezers
2nd: 12-15 light banded pull downs
3rd: :30 row/bike/ski@easy pace
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 20m quad stretch + 20m broad jumps + 5/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks]
For time (20:00 cap)
30 box jumps
15 DB clean and jerks
30 box jumps
15 DB clean and jerks
30 box jumps
10 DB clean and jerks, heavier
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
10 DB clean and jerks
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
5 DB clean and jerks, heavier than second weight
30 pistol squats or step ups with wall ball
5 DB clean and jerks
For 12:00
1st: :30 lemon squeezers
2nd: 12-15 light banded pull downs
3rd: :30 row/bike/ski@easy pace
Tuesday November 5-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [20m alternating lunges + 20m penguin walk + :30 passive hang from bar]
For 15:00
1st: :30 strict pull ups
2nd: :30 strict ring dips, use band if necessary
3rd: :30 plank w/feet elevated
For 15:00
1st: 40m farmers carry
2nd: 6 DB Z-press on L arm
3rd: 6 DB Z-press on R right
2-3 sets NFT:
16 alternating DB bicep curls
16 russian twists
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [20m alternating lunges + 20m penguin walk + :30 passive hang from bar]
For 15:00
1st: :30 strict pull ups/barbell pull ups/ring rows
2nd: :30 hand-release push ups
3rd: :30 plank w/feet elevated
For 15:00
1st: 40m farmers carry
2nd: 6 DB Z-press on L arm
3rd: 6 DB Z-press on R right
2-3 sets NFT:
16 alternating DB bicep curls
16 russian twists
Wednesday November 6-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 5 air squats w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead + 20m high knees + 20m jog +
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 3-4 front squats, 33x1 tempo (3 seconds down, 3 second pause in the bottom)
2nd: :45 double unders
AMRAP in 10:00
8 dumbbell burpees
12 dumbbell front squats
16 calories
2-3 rounds NFT:
10/side kettlebell oblique bends
15/side 1-arm light banded tricep extensions
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 5 air squats w/alternating 1-arm reach overhead + 20m high knees + 20m jog + 10 toe touches from standing position]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 6-8 goblet squats, 33x1 tempo
2nd: :45 double unders or single unders
AMRAP in 10:00
8 dumbbell burpees
12 dumbbell front squats
16 calories
2-3 rounds NFT:
10/side kettlebell oblique bends
15/side 1-arm light banded tricep extensions
Thursday November 7-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 6/side 1-arm dumbbell push press + :30/side front rack stretch +
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
5 bench press, 30x1 tempo
20m/side uneven carry (1-arm KB front rack, 1-arm farmers carry)
For total reps:
5:00 calories
:60 rest
3:00 strict pull ups
:60 rest
:60 alternating dumbbell snatches
2-3 sets NFT:
:30 flutter kicks
:30 wall sit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ 6/side 1-arm dumbbell push press + :30/side front rack stretch + :30 ring row hold]
Every 3:00 for 5 sets:
5 DB bench press, 30x1 tempo
20m/side uneven carry (1-arm KB front rack, 1-arm farmers carry)
For total reps:
5:00 calories
:60 rest
3:00 strict pull ups/barbell pull ups/ring rows
:60 rest
:60 alternating dumbbell snatches
2-3 sets NFT:
:30 flutter kicks
:30 wall sit
Friday November 8-CrossFit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 alternating reverse lunges + :30 alternating side lunges + :30 plank + :30 mountain climbers]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 8 alternating reverse lunges w/bar on back
2nd: :15/side star plank
For time (15:00 cap)
800m row/ski or 1 mile bike
Thrusters, 65/95
Toes to bar
20 burpees
2-3 sets NFT:
12 PVC pull downs
:30 handstand hold
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike/ski@easy pace
2 rounds of [ :30 alternating reverse lunges + :30 alternating side lunges + :30 plank + :30 mountain climbers]
Every :90 for 5 sets:
1st: 8 alternating reverse lunges w/DBs at shoulders
2nd: :15/side star plank
For time (15:00 cap)
800m row/ski or 1 mile bike
DB thrusters, 65/95
Hanging knee raises or weighted sit ups
20 burpees
2-3 sets NFT:
12 PVC pull downs
:30 handstand hold