Monday August 13 – Crossfit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 10m broad jumps + :30 alternating side lunges + :30 bottom of squat hold]
Every :90 for 4 sets:
1st: 4 front squats, 20x1 tempo
2nd: 5-6 seated dumbbell shoulder press, 20x1 tempo
4 rounds for time:
16 wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’
8 burpees to a plate
16 weighted sit ups w/DB at chest
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 sorenson hold
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry
Tuesday August 14 – Crossfit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 5/side 1-arm DB hang clean and jerks + 10m crab walk + :15/side front rack stretch]
For 10:00
Evens- 2 power cleans + 2 hang power cleans, light/moderate
Odds- :30 hollow hold
AMRAP in 12:00
300m run
10 dumbbell cleans
12 toes to bar
10 dumbbell push press
Not for time:
Accumulate :60 weighted plank
Wednesday August 15 – Crossfit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10-15 light banded pass throughs + 10-15 banded overhead squats + 10m duck walk]
Every :90 for 12:00
1st: 5 overhead squats, LIGHT, 20x1 tempo
2nd: :30 strict pull ups, use band if necessary
For time:
Calories (bike/row/ski)
Thrusters, 65/95
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
14 alternating dumbbell curls
Thursday August 16 – Crossfit
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 10m penguin walk + 5 inchworms + :15/side plank]
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: :30 double unders
2nd: power clean and push jerk, 3 reps
3rd: :30 russian twists
AMRAP in 9:00
60 double unders or 120 single unders
12 deadlifts, 95/135
200m run
Not for time:
200m offset carry (1-arm farmers carry, 1-arm front rack or overhead, can switch arms at any point)
Friday August 17 – Crossfit and Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10 goblet squats + 10 halos + :20-:30 passive hang from bar]
AMRAP in 10:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:
600m row
40 1-arm dumbbell thrusters
20 pull ups
12:00 with a partner for total reps:
:60 burpee box jump overs
:60 kettlebell swings
:60 V-ups
For time (ind)
400m run
30 hand-release push ups
30 sit ups
Monday August 13 – Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 10 jumping squats + :30 alternating side lunges + :30 bottom of squat hold]
For 12:00:
1st: :40 frog jumps, :20 rest
2nd: :40 prisoner squats, :20 rest
3rd: :40 mountain climbers, :20 rest
4th: :40 push ups, :20 rest
4 rounds for time:
16 plate to overhead
8 burpees to a plate
16 weighted sit ups with plate
3 sets not for time:
15-20 quadruped hip extensions / side
15-20 banded banded steps / side
:45 plank
Tuesday August 14 – Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 5 DB clean and jerks + 10m crab walk + :15 side plank / side]
For 10:00
Evens- 6-8 dumbbell cleans
Odds- :30 hollow hold
AMRAP in 12:00
300m run or 350 meter row
10 dumbbell cleans
12 knees to elbow
10 dumbbell push press
Not for time:
1 mile bike
50 glute bridges
Wednesday August 15 – Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10-15 light banded pass throughs + 10-15 banded overhead squats + 10m duck walk]
For 12:00, continuously at a moderate pace:
10 overhead plate walking lunges
10 ring rows
20 weighted step ups
20 plank jacks
For time:
Calories (bike/row/ski)
Dumbbell thrusters
2-3 sets not for time:
:30 flutter kicks
:30 reverse crunches
:30 hollow hold
Thursday August 16 – Bootcamp
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [ 10m penguin walk + 5 inchworms + :15/side plank]
Every :60 for 12:00
1st: :30 wall ball practice – squat to low target, really focus on form
2nd: 8 dumbbell clean and jerk
3rd: :30 russian twists
AMRAP in 9:00
120 single unders or 75 jumping jacks
12 kettlebell deadlifts
200m run or 250 meter row
Not for time:
:60 plank
50 toe touches on 45 pound plate
40 shoulder taps (hands under shoulders; little to no rocking)
30 toe touches
20 shoulder taps
10 toe touches
"Some Gave All"
6 Rounds For Time
300 M Run
21 Ground to Plate Over Head #24#25
15 Front Squats with the plate #45#25
9 Burpees to the the plate
Hero WODs are named after men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty. Their purpose is to remind us to think outside of ourselves and are intended to be performed with intense effort. As we begin to struggle our minds should meditate on the person or persons that gave their all in the line of duty. Today we honor the sacrifice of the Warren County Fire/EMS & Police personnel for laying down their lives in the line of duty.
Warren County Fire Fighters
Obe Bundy
Milo Merrill
Roy Yinger
Wilmo Testerman
Terry Leasher
Warren County LEO
Officer George Basore - Franklin Police Department
Sheriff W.E. Graham - Warren County Sheriff’s Office
Deputy Homer Burlile - Warren County Sheriff’s Office
Chief James Elder - Mason Police Department
Officer William Johnson - Springboro Police Department
Officer Jeffrey Phegley - Morrow Police Department
Sergeant Brian Dulle - Warren County Sheriff’s Office