Monday April 9
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [5 1-arm dumbbell thrusters/side + 10m penguin walk + 10m duck walk]
Every :90 for 4 sets:
1st: 2 squat cleans + 2 hang squat cleans
2nd: :30 strict pull ups/barbell pull ups/ring rows
AMRAP in 10:00
5/side 1-arm dumbbell thrusters, 35/50
21 row calories
10 toes to bar
2 rounds not for time:
10 light DB reverse flys
:30 flutter kicks
Tuesday April 10
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [5 good mornings w/empty bar + 5 inchworms + 10-15 hand-release push ups]
A. Snatch-grip deadlift, 4-4-3-3@31x1, 2:00 rest
B. Handstand or nose to wall hold, 3x :30, :60 rest
For 16:00
1st: 5-6 touch and go power snatches, light/moderate, no higher than 85/115
2nd: 8 burpees w/2-hand touch to 6” target
3rd: 14-16 russian twists w/wall ball
4th: :30 row/bike/ski @high effort
2 rounds not for time:
20m/side 1-arm kettlebell overhead carry
10-15 light banded tricep pull downs
Wednesday April 11
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10 goblet squats w/:01 pause in bottom + 10 dumbbell push press + 10m bear
A1. Front rack alternating lunges, 3x14-16, :60 rest
A2. 6-8/side 1-arm dumbbell push press, :60 rest
3 sets for total rounds:
AMRAP in 3:00
12 wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’
50/25/15 double unders or 100 single unders
15 sit ups
:60 rest
Pick up where you left off in previous set
Score is total number of rounds overall
2 rounds not for time:
10-15 light plate halos
10/side plank rotations
Thursday April 12
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10 dumbbell cleans + 10m crab walk + :30 front leaning rest]
A. Power clean and split jerk, 8x1 focusing on technique, only add weight if there is no press out
in the split jerk, begin a rep every :60
B. Pendlay row, 5-5-5@20x1, :60 rest
3 rounds for time:
200m run
8 burpees
8 ground to overhead, 65/95
8 box jump overs
2 rounds not for time:
:15-:30 L-sit or L-hang
10-15 light band pull aparts
Friday April 13
A. Max out Friday
AMRAP in 10:00 with a partner, partners trade full rounds:
5 pull ups
10 hand-release push ups
15 air squats