Monday March 5
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [15 jumping squats + :15/side plank + 6/side 1-arm ring rows]
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
3 clean-grip deadlifts + 2 hang squat cleans
5-7 strict toes to bar
AMRAP in 6:00
15 wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’
10 burpees to a plate
3:00 rest
AMRAP in 6:00
10 pull ups
14 alternating pistol squats or dumbbell lunges
2 rounds not for time:
:30 arrested superman hold
10-15 light band tricep pull downs
Tuesday March 6
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility-coach led
2 rounds of [5/side 1-arm kettlebell swings + 10 box jumps + 5 inchworms]
A. Hang power snatch, 2-2-2-2-2, 2:00 rest
B. 3-point dumbbell row, 3x8-10/side@20x1, :60 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
10 sit ups
10 dumbbell cleans
10 dumbbell push press
200m run
2 rounds not for time:
10/side plank rotations
10 scap pull ups
Wednesday March 7
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10 weighted alternating lunges + 10 DB press from glute bridge + 10m bear crawl]
A. 1&1⁄4 front squat, 4-4-3-3, 2:00 rest
B. Elevator ring dips (use band if necessary) :01 pause at top, :01 pause in middle, :01 pause at
bottom, 3x4-6, :60 rest
For 10:00
1000m row
30 back squats, 75/115
AMRAP toes to bar in remaining time
2 rounds not for time:
10 alternating DB renegade rows
3 dragon flags
Thursday March 8
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike@easy pace
Mobility- coach led
2 rounds of [10-15 hand-release push ups /”01 pause at top + 10m crab walk + :60 jump rope
Every :90 for 4 sets:
1st: Bench press, 3 reps@30x1
2nd: :30 chin over the bar hold or strict pull ups
12:00@85% aerobic:
40m farmers carry
15/row row/bike/ski calories
8 power snatches, 55/75
8 box jump overs
2 rounds not for time:
10-15 weighted hip extensions
16 russian twists w/wall ball
Friday March 9