Monday Oct. 8 – Bootcamp
Warm up: T spine stretch 10, Banded Overhead squat 15, 200 m run x2
8 minute EMOM:
1 st : 14 alternating dumbbell snatches
2 nd : 12 OH walking lunges with dumbbells
2 rounds (20 minute time cap):
30 Overhead squats with pvc pipe or band
30 pull ups or ring rows
30 cal row
3 rounds, not for time:
10 knees to elbow
12 plank ups
14 shoulder taps
Tuesday Oct 9 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crabwalk, :30 wall sit x2
For 12 mins:
:60 dumbell cleans
:60 squats with dumbbells
:60 push press with dumbbells
:60 rest
16 min AMRAP:
200 m run or row
10 box jumps or step ups
10 pull ups or ring rows
10 wall balls
10 Romanian deadlifts with dumbbells
3 rounds, not for time:
:60 plank
:60 weighted sit ups
Wednesday Oct. 10 – Bootcamp
Warm up: Hand release push up 10 (5 seconds to ground), 10 jump squats, 10
calorie row/bike/ski (as fast as possible) x2
12 minute EMOM:
1: 12 OH press sitting on the floor
2: :30 jump rope
3: :30 max effort row, bike, or ski
15 minute EMOM:
1: 9 dumbbell clean and jerk
2: 12 weighted step ups (6 per leg)
3: 15 goblet squats
Not for time:
Accumulate a total of 100 mountain climbers
Thursday Oct. 11 – Crossfit
Warm up: 5 pull ups, 10 push up, 15 air squats x3
12 minute EMOM:
1: 3 deadlifts (add weight each round till heavy)
2: 5 strict overhead press (add weight each round till heavy)
6 rounds for time (20 min timecap)
30 plate to overhead
20 air squats
10 push ups
3 rounds not for time
:30 plank
:15 side plank each side
:30 glute bridge hold
Friday Oct. 12 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 10 elevator planks, 20 m lunges, Banded tricep stretch (just like the
banded tricep press but let the band pull arm back and keep arm near head don’t let
flare out) x2
For 10 minutes:
10 burpees
15 calorie row
20 weighted sit ups
4 rounds for time:
8 dumbbell cleans
8 dumbbell squats
400 m run
Not for time:
30 reverse crunches
40 toe touches
50 glute bridges
Monday Oct. 8 – Crossfit
Warm up: T spine stretch 10, Banded Overhead squat 15, 200 m run x2
8 minute EMOM (complete complex every minute):
1 power snatch
1 Overhead Squat
2 burpees
2 rounds (20 minute time cap)
30 Overhead squats
30 pull ups
30 cal row
3 rounds
:30 hollow hold with med ball between feet
15 toe touches
Tuesday Oct 9 – Crossfit
Warm up: 20 m bear crawl, 20 m crabwalk, :30 wall sit x2
Every 1:30 for 12 mins:
1 power clean
2 front squats
1 split jerk or push jerk
6 push ups
16 min AMRAP:
200 m run
10 box jumps
10 pull ups
10 wall balls
10 kb swings
Accumulate 2 minutes of a plank feet on swiss ball
Wednesday Oct. 10 – Crossfit
Warm up: Hand release push up 10 (5 seconds to ground), 10 jump squats, 10
calorie row/bike/ski (as fast as possible) x2
12 minute EMOM:
1: 12 OH press sitting on the floor
2: :30 double unders
3: :30 shuttle run
15 minute EMOM:
1: 5 clean and jerk
2: 10 box jumps
3: 15 kb swings
3 rounds not for time
40m plate pinch carry
:30 L sit
Thursday Oct. 11 – Bootcamp
Warm up: 5 pull ups, 10 push up, 15 air squats x3
12 minute EMOM:
1: 10 kettlebell deadlifts
2: 10 push press with kettlebells
3: 20 plank pull throughs
6 rounds for time (20 min timecap):
30 plate to overhead
20 air squats
10 push ups
3 rounds not for time
:30 plank
:15 side plank each side
:30 glute bridge hold
Friday Oct. 12 – Crossfit
Warm up: 10 elevator planks, 20 m lunges, Banded tricep stretch (just like the
banded tricep press but let the band pull arm back and keep arm near head don’t let
flare out) x2
10 minutes to build to heavy clean
4 rounds for time:
8 power cleans
8 front squat
400 m run
200 m plate pinch carry