We are starting something new out with this week and moving forward. A few days a week we will be focusing completely on aerobic capacity. Those day will be Tuesday and Thursday. We will also be announcing training cycles as we enter and close them out!
See ya at the bar!
Monday January 30
10:00 warm up
row/bike/jump rope @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 dumbbell squats + 15 sit ups]
A1. 1&1⁄4 front squat, 2-2-1-1, :60 rest
A2. 1-arm dumbbell overhead carry, 3x40m/side, :60 rest
For time in teams of 3:
500m row, each partner
100 thrusters, 65/95
100 sit ups
2 rounds not for time:
8/side banded external rotations
:30 hollow rocks
Tuesday January 31
10:00 warm up
row/bike/jump rope @easy pace
2 rounds of [1-2 rope climbs or 5-7 strict pull ups + 10-15 light kettlebell swings]
For 10:00
1st: 5 touch and go ground to overhead, you pick the weight
2nd: :30 row/bike @high effort
For 10:00
1st: 10 box jump overs
2nd: 1-3 muscle ups or 8 pull ups/ring rows
For 10:00
1st: :30 double unders
2nd: :30 shuttle run
Wednesday February 1
10:00 warm up
row/bike/jump rope @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 alternating lunges + 10 bird dogs]
A. 8:00 muscle up or gymnastics practice
B. Alternating reverse lunges w/bar on back, 3x8-10, 2:00 rest
3 rounds for time:
12 burpees
15 toes to bar
24 alternating goblet lunges
3 sets:
:15/R side plank
:30 front leaning rest
:15/L side plank
:30 front leaning rest
Goal is to go unbroken
Thursday February 2
10:00 warm up
row/bike/jump rope @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 hand-release push ups + :10/side 1-arm passive hang]
Every :90 for 4 sets:
1st: 10 alternating dumbbell snatches
2nd: :30 handstand push ups or hand-release push ups
3 sets for reps:
:60 kettlebell swings
:60 tough upper pull (CTB, pull ups, BB pull ups, etc)
:60 row calories
:60 rest
2 rounds not for time:
10-15 band pull aparts
3 dragon flags
Friday February 3
A Max out Friday
AMRAP in 8:00, partners alternate movements
40m tough farmers carry
15 wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’
4 wall walks
Saturday February 4
10:00 warm up
row/run/jump rope @easy pace
2 rounds of [:60 skill work of choice + 10 dumbbell push press]
A. Bench press, 3-3-2-2, 2:00 rest
B. Prowler push, 4x20m tough, :90 rest
For time:
Burpee box jumps
Sit ups
Bis, tris, and abs of choice