Monday December 19
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [10-15 light kettlebell swings + :20-:30 passive hang from bar]
Every :90 for 4 sets:
1st: 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk
2nd: :30 handstand/nose to wall hold or handstand push ups
AMRAP in 9:00
15 kettlebell swings
12 burpees
9 hang power cleans, 65/95
2 rounds not for time:
:10-:15 L-sit or L-hang
10-15 light banded good mornings
Tuesday December 20
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [10 goblet squats + :60 double under or kipping practice]
A1. Back squat, 4-4-4 @20x1 tempo, :60 rest
A2. 1-arm kettlebell row (unsupported), 3x6-8/side, :60 rest
For time:
30 wall balls, 14 to 9’/20 to 10’ or 30 dumbbell thrusters
30 toes to bar or sit ups
50 double unders or 100 single unders
20 wall balls or dumbbell thrusters
20 toes to bar or sit ups
50 double unders or 100 single unders
10 wall balls or 10 dumbbell thrusters
10 toes to bar or sit ups
50 double unders or 100 single unders
2 rounds not for time:
:30-:45 sorenson hold
40m plate pinch carry
Wednesday December 21
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [3 dragon flags + 10 hand-release push ups]
A. Push press, 5-5-5, 2:00 rest
B. Dumbbell external rotation, 3x8/side @30x0 tempo, :90 rest
For time:
Deadlifts, 125/185
Pull ups
Box jumps
Not for time:
Focused mobility of choice
Thursday December 22
10:00 warm up
row/run/bike @easy pace
2 rounds of [5/side 1-arm kettlebell overhead squats + 5 inchworms]
A. 1 snatch pull + 1 squat snatch, 1-1-1-1-1, begin a set every 2:00
AMRAP in 12:00
10 alternating lunges w/bar overhead
8 bar-facing burpees
6 front squats
2 wall walks or muscle ups
3 sets:
:30 hollow rocks
:30 rest
:30 flutter kicks
:30 rest
Friday December 23
A Max out Friday
For time with a partner, partners alternate
“Partner Fran”
Partner 1: 21 thrusters, 65/95
Partner 2: 21 thrusters
Partner 1: 21 pull ups
Partner 2: 21 pull ups
Then each partner does 15 of each movement then 9 of each
Both people are completing the entire “Fran” workout