As you know we have been changing a few things. Now I'm gonna blow your mind. For the next bit we are going to get rid of the score board. What?! Yep. We Sure is. This is what I want from you guys; Your name and if it was RX or not...that's it. Your goal should be perfect technique and ROM while stimulating the energy system we are working. If a time/score is needed you will be informed that we are testing and to go for it.
So, to sum it up, technical precision while stimulating the RX energy system is what I want. Sometimes we let things slip if we are racing a clock. Let's go get stronger. Wooooo!
A. Squat clean clusters, 5x1.1, :10 rest between singles, 2:00 rest between sets
B. Halting snatch grip deadlift (off ground, below knee, mid thight) 4x1 starting @1RM and adding, 2:00 rest
EMOM for 8:00
Evens- 100m sprint
Odds- 10 burpees