A1. Bench Press, 5x4, :30 rest
A2. KTE, 5x12, 2:00 rest
Against a 3:00 clock, climb as high as you can through the ladder
1 burpee
1 thruster (65/95)
2 burpees
2 thrusters
3 burpees
3 thrusters
3:00 rest between sets
3 total sets
A1. Bench Press, 5x4, :30 rest
A2. KTE, 5x12, 2:00 rest
Against a 3:00 clock, climb as high as you can through the ladder
1 burpee
1 thruster (65/95)
2 burpees
2 thrusters
3 burpees
3 thrusters
3:00 rest between sets
3 total sets