Snatch 80% for 8 singles done EMOM
Clean and jerk 80% for 8 singles done EMOM
Hip extension/back raise 2 sets of 10
Front squat 4 sets of 3 with 75%
Back squats 4 sets of 3 with 75%
Press from the split 2 sets of 10
Power snatch from hip to 1RM
Power clean from the hip to 1RM
Power jerk to max
Snatch high pulls 3 sets of 3 with 90%
Glute-ham raises 2 sets of 10
Snatch from the hip to 1RM
Clean from the hip to 1RM
Neck jerk to 1RM
Clean high pulls 3 sets of 3 with 90%
Back squat to a 1RM
Arch back GM to a 5RM
Glute-ham raises 2 sets of 10