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Thursday April 8th

AM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch (60 sec each side), elevated pigeon stretch (60 sec each side), straddle hamstring stretch (60 sec each side), 20 air squats, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + twisted cross stretch + 10 OHS (barbell)

EMOM x 10 minutes

Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean  75-80%

4 Rounds

2:00 AMRAP 

20 DB Box Step Overs 50/35

Max KBS #70#55

*Rest 2 minutes after each AMRAP. 

PM Session

Warm up - spiderman stretch, squat hold, calf/ankle stair stretch, leg swings (10 each way), 2 rounds of: 200m jog + 10 shoulder rolls + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each) + 10 kip swings + 10 push ups

For time:

200m Run

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Muscle Ups 

Wednesday April 7th

AM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry, couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 5:00 echo bike easy, 90/90 hip opener (3-4 reps each side), 100 single unders, calf/ankle stair stretch, 1-2 rope climbs (slow)

5 Rounds for time

100 Double Unders

6 Rope Climbs 15’

Rest 10-15 minutes

10 Rounds with 3 Min Rest (Super Threshold Sets)

20 Sec Max Cal Echo Bike

PM Session

Warm up - 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 bench (bar) + 15 calorie row, then spiderman stretch, twisted cross stretch, 5-10 GHD Sit ups, warm up to bench weight (sets of 5-8 reps)

AMRAP 15 minutes: Maintain a moderate pacing 155 BPM Heart Rate. This should not break you off.

15/12 Calorie Row

12 GHD Sit Ups

9 Bench (Bodyweight/.75BW)

Deadlifts + 25’ Unbroken HSW (if you drop go back to start)


*Build up to a heavy set of 5 reps for the day. Rest as needed

Tuesday April 6th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch, spiderman stretch, squat hold, leg swings (10 each way), 2 rounds easy of: 200m Run + 400m bike erg + calf/ankle stair stretch

3 Rounds

800m Bike

30 Air Squats

400m Run

2 Rope Climbs (if they are here in time)

*Rest 1 minute

2 Rope Climbs (if there are here in time)

400m Run

30 Air Squats

800m Bike

*Rest 1 minute

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, spiderman stretch, 90/90 hip opener (3-4 reps each side), 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 kip swings + 10 barbell hang power clean + 10 barbell shoulder to overhead, work up in weight and hit 5 reps of each movement @ weight…

10 Rounds (1:1)

12 Toes to Bar

9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105#

6 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105#

Monday April 5th

AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), elevated couch stretch (60 sec each side), spiderman stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/hip circle + 15 shoulder rolls + 10 single leg bridge (5 each side) + ankle/calf stair stretch

Back Squats

2 x 8 reps @ 50%

*Just warm up and prep work here, nothing crazy. Work on moving well and finding a good balance and path for your squat. 

A) Low Body Tri Set @65% or 6.5 RPE W/45 Sec Rest


Front Squat

DB Split Squats

Leg Press

B) Snatch 

2 Reps Every 90 sec for 10 Rounds @75%

1 x Max Rep Hang Snatch at 65% (use straps)

C) Snatch Pulls

4 x 2 reps @ 100%

*Work a strong pull with the legs from the floor and extension with the legs at the top. 

PM Session

Warm up - Spiderman stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener (3-4 reps each side), twisted cross, squat hold. 

Rowing Intervals

5 x 5 minute Row. Every 90 Sec 4-6 Muscle Ups then 2:30 rest between sets

*First interval (1) is easy, build up pace over the next 3 intervals increasing intensity each one (2,3,4), and then the last interval (5) should be just moderate like your second one. 

5 Sets for quality

8 Strict Deficit HSPU 4/2”

8 Cable Mid Row

*Rest 60-90 sec between sets

Saturday March 4rd

Running Workout

2 x 2:00 @ mile Pace

w/2 minutes rest between each

4 x 1:30 @ 800 Pace

w/2;30 minutes rest between each

6 x 60 sec @ 400 Pace

w/ 3:min Rest between each

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, spiderman stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 15 air squats w/hip circle + 10 walking lunge steps + 0:20 sec HS Hold (Freestanding practice)

25 Bench Press @ BW


AMRAP 7 minutes:

15/12 Calorie Bike Erg

50’ DB Front rack Walking Lunge 50/35#

50’ Handstand Walk (25’ Increments, 1 x obstacle)

*Rest 3 minutes

AMRAP 7 minutes:

15/12 Calorie Bike Erg

50’ DB Front rack Walking Lunge 50/35#

50’ Handstand Walk (25’ Increments, 1 x obstacle)


25 Bench Press @body weight

Cash out

4 sets of:

25 GHD Sit Ups

12 L Sit Strict Pull Ups

*Rest 1-2 minutes after each set.

Friday April 2nd

Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, elevated pigeon stretch, 2 x 15 air squats w/hip circle w/spiderman stretch between sets, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 5 strict press + 5 push press + 5 split jerk + twisted cross stretch (30 sec each side)

3 Sets @ 80-85% of 1RM Strict Press

1 Strict Press + 1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk

3 Sets @ 85% of 1RM Push Press

1 Push Press + 1 Split Jerk

3 Sets @ 85% of 1RM Split Jerk

1 Split Jerk

We are looking for a Sub threshold to Super threshold effect here. In the first piece you should work to a HR that is stabilized at 90% of threshold. During you min rest work on collecting as much oxygen as possible pulling with your diaphragm and driving your HR down as low as you can. During the second piece you start slow and consistent but finish at super threshold/lactic deflection point. Immediately work on the recovery breaths. Don’t lay on the ground.

3 Rounds of:

21 Row Calories

15 Hang Muscle Snatch (this should be a moderate weight that you can do unbroken)

21 Row Calories

15 Toes to Bar (unbroken)

*Rest 1 minute

9 BMU -> This is a an unbroken set if you cannot do 9 do what you can then do CTB

21 Row Calories

15 Burpees

21 Row Calories

*Rest 2 minutes between rounds. Women row 18 calories. 

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