Warm up - crossover symmetry activation, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener (2-3 reps each side), twisted cross stretch, 2 rounds of: 20 air squats w/hip circle + 10 Shoulder rolls + 10 OHS + calf/ankle stair stretch
Overhead Squat
——> 1x3, 1x1
*Build your way up to a moderately heavy triple and single for the day.
Rowing (Know that threshold is a pace you can hold for 25-30 min. If you don’t know your heart rate use RPE)
2 x 5:00 Row at -5 BPM Threshold
w/2 minutes rest between
3 x 2:30 Row at Threshold HR
w/1:30 rest between
4 x 1:00 Row at + 3-5 BPM Super Threshold
w/1:00 rest between
10 Rounds for time
1 Legless Rope Climb 15’
20’ Hand stand walk
6 DB Snatch #100/70