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Warm up - couch stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 90/90 hip opener, twisted cross stretch, 20 air squats w/hip circle, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 kip swings + 10 barbell thrusters, warm up to thruster weight and get a few double unders to warm up…

4 Rounds (1:1)

100 Double Unders

20 Toes to Bar

20 Deadlifts (Increasing weight each round) #225 and up —->

EMOM x 10 minutes

1 Squat Clean @ 80%

PM Session

Warm up -   20 calorie row + 20 air squats + 10 shoulder rolls, 2 sets of: 10 barbell seated good mornings + 5 Bulgarian split lunges (each leg) + 5 single arm DB press (each arm)

For time

90 GHD Sit Ups

60 Strict HSPU

30 Atlas Stone To Chest #185

Muscle Ups


*Rest 2 minutes between each set

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