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AM Session

Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), elevated couch stretch (60 sec each side), spiderman stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/hip circle + 15 shoulder rolls + 10 single leg bridge (5 each side) + ankle/calf stair stretch

Back Squats

2 x 8 reps @ 50%

*Just warm up and prep work here, nothing crazy. Work on moving well and finding a good balance and path for your squat. 

A) Low Body Tri Set @65% or 6.5 RPE W/45 Sec Rest


Front Squat

DB Split Squats

Leg Press

B) Snatch 

2 Reps Every 90 sec for 10 Rounds @75%

1 x Max Rep Hang Snatch at 65% (use straps)

C) Snatch Pulls

4 x 2 reps @ 100%

*Work a strong pull with the legs from the floor and extension with the legs at the top. 

PM Session

Warm up - Spiderman stretch, straddle hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip opener (3-4 reps each side), twisted cross, squat hold. 

Rowing Intervals

5 x 5 minute Row. Every 90 Sec 4-6 Muscle Ups then 2:30 rest between sets

*First interval (1) is easy, build up pace over the next 3 intervals increasing intensity each one (2,3,4), and then the last interval (5) should be just moderate like your second one. 

5 Sets for quality

8 Strict Deficit HSPU 4/2”

8 Cable Mid Row

*Rest 60-90 sec between sets

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