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Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each) + elevated pigeon stretch (60 sec each) + worlds greatest stretch (60 sec each side), calf/ankle stair stretch (60 sec each), 2 rounds of: 1min Bike erg (w/hip circle) + 15 air squats (w/hip circle) + 10 single leg bridge (5 each leg) 

7 Sets (Every 90 seconds start new set)

1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Low Hang Squat Clean (Below Knee)

*Hang onto the bar between reps. Should be around 75% (OF 1RM Clean)

Squat Clean Triples

-Build to a heavy Triple for the day. Do this in 2-3 sets. Start from wherever you left off with the 7 sets above. 

3 Rounds for time

15 Calorie Bike

100’ Handstand Walk

10 Deadlifts @65%

PM Session

Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec each), barbell quad smash (2 min each side), glute smash (lacrosse ball) foam roll quads and IT bands, 2 rounds of: 250m Row + spiderman stretch + elevated pigeon stretch + 20 DU’s + 15 air squats 

5 Rounds

20/16 Calorie Row


20 Push Ups

*Rest 30 seconds

20/16 Calorie Row


20 Air Squats

*Rest 1 minute

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