Session 1
Running Workout
Mobility - couch stretch, leg swings (10 each way), hamstring stretches, calf/ankle stretch, squat stretch + some squats, then roll into warm up…
Warm up
4 Minutes Easy
2 x 50m Strides (2:00 to complete these, walk the remainder)
2 Minutes Harder
2 x 50m Strides (2:00 to complete these, walk the remainder)
1 Minute Hard (up to workout pace)
2 x 50m Strides (2:00 to complete these, walk the remainder)
800m Hard
400m Easy Jog (Recovery)
800m Hard
400m Easy Jog (Recovery)
800m Hard
400m Easy Jog (Recovery)
400m Hard
Rest 1 minute
400m Hard
Rest 1 minute
400m Hard
Session 2
Warm up - 2 rounds of: 15 calorie row + 10 Push Ups (on bench) + 15 shoulder rolls + 10 single arm DB press (5 each arm), warm up bench…
Bench Press
3 Waves (Sets) of:
5 Reps @ 72%
3 Reps @ 80%
2 Reps @ 87%
*These were the percentages I used today for reference, so I did 5 reps, then 3 reps, then 2 reps, then back to 5, 3, 2…
Push Jerk
3 Waves (Sets) of:
5 Reps
3 Reps
2 Reps
*Same waves as above, make the 3’s heavier than the 5’s and the 2’s heavier than the 3’s.
5 Rounds (Every 3:00 start new round)
24/20 Calorie Row
10 Burpee Over Rower
10 Toes to Bar
*Every round, add 2 on the burpees and the toes to bar. If the clock catches you your workout is done! Push hard to finish