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Warm up - couch stretch (60 sec), squat hold (60 sec), pigeon stretch (60 sec), 2 rounds of: 90/90 hip opener stretch (3-4 reps each side) + 10 air squats + calf/ankle stair stretch + 10 cossack squats (5 each side)

Back Squat


*Work up in weight each set to something heavy for the day! NOT a max, but just something heavy. 


2 x 4 reps @ 87-90%.

*These should be heavy sets for today!

For time:

5 Rounds

9 Thrusters 95/65#

35 Double Unders


200’ Handstand Walk (25 or 50’ Increments)


5 Rounds

9 Thrusters 95/65#

35 Double Unders

4 Rounds

25 GHD Sit Ups

25 Back Extensions

*Rest about 60-90 seconds between rounds.

PM Session

Warm up - crossover symmetry, couch stretch, pigeon stretch, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + 10 OHS + 90/90 hip drill opener (3 reps each side) + ankle stair stretch, then, w/barbell 5 strict High pull (from pockets) + 5 strict muscle snatch (from pockets) + 5 OHS + 5 Full snatch, repeat until loose…


3,3,3,3,3 (Up to 80-85% for your top set)

1,1,1 (Above 80 or 85%, working up if possible)

*Take up to 3 attempts at a top weight for the day.

Drop set

1 x 3 @ your top weight you hit on your way up (80-85%)

With a partner OR 1:1

0:30 second ON/0:30 OFF x 20 minutes

Max Calorie Ski Erg 

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