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Session 1

Warm up - couch stretch, ankle mobility, leg swings, 2 rounds: 10 air squats w/pause above parallel + 10 shoulder rolls + hamstring stretch + 10 barbell clean and jerk. Then, 200m Run + 5 power clean and jerk @ first weight + HSPU… roll into workout…

6 Sets:

AMRAP 2 minutes

200m Run

25 Foot HSW

Max Clean and Jerk w/time remaining (155/185/225) / (105/125/155) 

Session 2

Warm up - couch stretch + pigeon stretch + ankle mobility + cossack squat stretch, 2 rounds of: 15 air squats w/varying stance width and toe angle + 10 shoulder rolls + 5 barbell muscle snatch (slow) + 5 OHS w/barbell


-Doubles up to 75%

-Then Work up to a heavy single for the day!  Take some good attempts at your heaviest weight! Don't be afraid to go for 3-5+ attempts.

Clean and Jerk

-Work up to a heavy single for the day in no more than 6-7 jumps.

Alternating Minutes x 14 minutes (6 sets of each)

Odd: 5 Bench Press 75%

Even: 20 Toes to Bar (don’t work here for more than :40)

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