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Floss Shoulders

20 Pass Through


4 rounds

100 M Run

8 Pause Air Squats with warrior pose

8 Push Press

8 Gymnatsy Kips


A1: Snatch Push Press 73% for 3 x 2

A2: Overhead Squat (paused 3 sec in bottom) 73% for 3 x 1

Snatch Max Effort Competition Style (*see Golden Rule) 2 Pulls to Hip + Snatch: Max (9 RPE)

Clean and Jerk Max Effort Competition Style (*see Golden Rule) Clean Pull to Hip + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Max (9 RPE)

The Golden Rule states: If you miss during a one-rep max, either 1) wave back down to 85% and work back up or 2) stop. If you work back up, either 1) stop on a good make or 2) if you miss again, wave down to 80% for 1 make and stop on a positive. The goal is no misses, but at worst case two misses. If you start having lots of misses, it will affect your overall program in a very negative way. Be smart! The goal is ZERO misses! - Pyrros Dimas

Bench Press

Set 1: 85% x 2, rest two minutes, then 70% x 6

Set 2: (add 5-10 kg to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, rest two minutes, then 70% x 6

Set 3: (add 5-10 kg to each weight if possible) 85% x 2, rest two minutes, then 70% x 6


For Time

20/14lbs vest:
30 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
2 Muscle Ups
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs
4 Muscle Ups
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs
6 Muscle Ups
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
8 Muscle Ups
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 Muscle Ups

- Wodapalooza 2020

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