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6 Sets Ascending

3 Strict Press (Take bar from the floor)

3 Strict Weighed Chin Ups (Underhand grip)

*Work up in weight every 2 sets.

Then 20 Min AMRAP

15/12 Calorie Bike Erg

10 Strict HSPU

5 Power Cleans (115-185 depending on how you feel)

*REST 1 Minute after every 3 ROUNDS.

Session 2

Cleans 8x2 (4xworking up then 4x @80%

Clean Deadlifts (pause at mid Thigh)

8 x 2 reps @ 80% (same weight you finished at for the last 4 sets above)

*You should work on using all legs off the floor, pushing with the legs until the bar gets to mid thigh. Your torso angle from the floor shouldn’t change your goal should be to keep the shoulders in front of the bar the whole pull.

Work rest 1:1

2 Rounds for time

50 Calorie Ski Erg (10 Cal at a time)

50 Push Ups (10-15 push ups a time)

50 Toes to Bar (10 at a time)

50 Push Ups (10-15 at a time)

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