Session 1
Warm up - Crossover symmetry protocol, 2 rounds of: 10 shoulder rolls + twisted cross stretch (2-3 reps each side) + 10 bench + 10 kip swings + 25’ HSW, then warm up bench to workout weight, and get a few kipping pull up/CTB between each set.
4 Rounds (1:1)
25/20 Calorie Ski Erg
100’ Handstand Walk
Rest until 20:00
4 Rounds (1:1)
10 Bench 185/135
15 CTB Pull Ups
Rest Until 35:00
4 Rounds (1:1)
10 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#
*Go 1:1 or alternate rounds with a partner!
Session 2
Warm up - 2 sets (30 sec each stretch): couch stretch, pigeon stretch, cossack squat stretch (3 reps each side), 15 air squats, twisted cross (3-4 reps each side), then warm up deadlifts.
6 x 4 reps @ 75-80%
3 Rounds for time
800m Run
50 GHD Sit Ups
50 Hip Extensions