Session 1
Warm Up - Crossover Symmetry Activation, straddle hamstring stretch, 15 hollow rocks, 10 air squats, spiderman stretch, 15 hollow rocks, 10 air squats, lat/pec stretch (straight arms), 15 hollow rocks, 10 air squats, 15 shoulder rolls, 15 OHS (pvc)
Overhead Squat
-Work up to a heavy single for the day
Every 3:00 x 7 rounds (21 minutes)
100 M Run
3,6,9,12… (reps increase by 3 each round)
Overhead Squats 115/75#
25 Foot HSW
*Increase the reps by 3 reps each round until you cannot complete the work in the 3 minute mark OR you finish 7 rounds!
Session 2
Mobility - spiderman stretch, couch stretch, single leg floor touches (20), air squats (20), barbell power cleans until loose…
Power Cleans (All touch and go)
5 reps EMOM x 5 minutes @ 56%
4 reps EMOM x 5 minutes @ 68%
3 reps EMOM x 5 minutes @ %77
2 reps EMOM x 5 minutes @ 83%
1 rep E30 sec x 5 minutes @ 90%
Rest 2 minutes
5 reps EMOM x 5 minutes @ 62%
4 Sets
10 Single Leg Double KB Deadlifts
10 Weighed Hip Extensions + 0:15 sec hold @ top of last rep (w/barbell on back for both)
EMOM x 10 minutes
Min 1: 15 V-Ups
MIn 2: 15 Lateral Rocking Hollow Rocks