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Session 1

Warm up - 2 sets of: couch stretch (30 sec each), pigeon stretch, 90/90 hip stretch (5 reps each side), ankle/stair stretch, 3 sets of: 10 calorie bike erg + 15 hollow rocks + 15 air squats. 

Back Squats

7 x 5 Reps @ 75% (+5-10# from last time)

*All sets at the same weight, try and add a little bit from last time we did the 7 x 5.

5 Rounds (New round every 4:00)

25/20 Calorie Row

20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

15 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#

if you fall off or the round catches you just rest 90 seconds after each round!

Session 2

AMRAP 20 minutes

8 Strict HSPU

8 Devil’s Press 50/35#

80 Double unders

8 Strict HSPU

8 Devil’s Press 50/35#

20 GHD Sit Ups

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