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Session 1

Warm up - Crossover symmetry activation, 2 rounds of: 20 Calorie Bike Erg (Mix in 2 x 10 seconds hard in there) + 12 Band Face Pulls + 10 Tempo Push Ups (Elevated on bench) + 10 shoulder rolls + stretch lat/pec

Speed Bench

10 x 3 reps @ 55-60%

w/60 seconds rest

6 Rounds

AMRAP 2 minutes:

300m Run

Max Calorie Bike Erg w/time remaining

*Rest 1 minute between rounds

5 Rounds for quality

4 Strict Weighted Pull Ups/Chin ups (Underhand grip, + 45% of BW)

10 Weighted Hip Extensions w/10 second pause @ top of last rep

18 Single Leg KB Deadlifts (9 each leg, hold One KB in opposite hand of opposite leg)

Session 2

Warm up - hamstring smash (2 min each side), elevated pigeon (30 sec each side) then, 2 rounds of: couch stretch 30 seconds + 10 shoulder rolls + kip swings + ankle mobility + 15 air squats varying stance width.

Box Squats

5x10 - Ramp weight every set

5 Rounds (3:00 Min Rounds)

60 Double Unders

20 Toes to Bar

Max Reps atlas stone to chest

*Rest 1 minute between each round

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