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If you are only training once today, pick two things to do.

Warm up - hamstring smash (2 min each side), elevated pigeon (30 sec each side) then, 2 rounds of: couch stretch 30 seconds + 10 shoulder rolls + kip swings + ankle mobility + 15 air squats varying stance width.

A) Back Squat: Work to a Heavy 3x3 then drop to 60% of that and do a set of 20

B) Alternating Minutes x 20 minutes

Odd: 40 Second Bike Erg

Even: 1 Round of “Strict Cindy”

C)Every 2:00 x 10 Rounds

15 Wall Ball 20/14#

30 Double Unders

6/4 Bar Muscle Ups

D) For time:

1000m Run

1000m Row

100 GHD Sit Ups

1000m Row

1000m Run

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