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Session 2

Warm up - Crossover symmetry Protocol, then 4 x 0:30 second HS Hold, after each set do ONE movement, 15 shoulder rolls, Overhead stretch (straight arms on box or bench), 10 barbell press, 5 strict Chin ups w/slow eccentric.

A1) Strict Press 6 x 2 reps (Working up in weight each set)

A2) Strict Weighted Pull Up 6 x 3 reps (Working up to something heavy by set 3-4 and doing the last 2-3 sets @ that top weight)

3 Rounds 

1000m Bike

15 Ring Rows (Feet Above Hands)

15 Strict Deficit HSPU 3.5/2”

100’ Farmers Carry (100/70)

12 Body Saw to phix push up

12 Dips

100 Double Unders

3 Min Rest

Session 2

Warm up - couch stretch, spiderman stretch, hamstring smash, quad smash w/barbell, 2 sets of: 15 air squats + 10 cossack squats (5 each side) + 10 V-Ups + 20 single leg touches (10 each leg) 

Back Squats

10,10 (Warm up sets)

10,8,6,4 (Working up in weight each set)

1 x 15 reps narrow stance drop set. At your heaviest warm up weight of 10

5 Rounds 

5 Power Cleans 225/155#

5 Shoulder to Overhead 225/155#

20 GHD Sit Ups

Move through at a steady pace.

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