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Session 1

Warm up - Crossover Symmetry Activation Protocol, lacrosse ball to trap/lat + OH stretch reps, 2 rounds of: 1:00 row + 10 banded face pulls + 10 push ups to bench + lat/pec stretch

Bench Press

6 x 2 reps @ same weight for all sets

6x 4 Strict Weighted Chin Up (Underhand grip)

4 Rounds (Every 7:00 start new set)

400m Run

500/400m Row

400m Run

Session 2

Warm up - couch stretch, spiderman stretch, pigeon stretch, OH Stretch (straight arms on bench, kneeling down), 2 rounds of: calf/ankle stretch + 7 Power Clean + 10 shoulder to OH + 15 air squats (varying stance width and toe angle)

Power Clean and Jerk

-Build up to a heavy single for the day!

-10 x 1 rep Every 0:30 seconds (work on the speed of the transition from the clean to the jerk)

5 Rounds (Every 3:00 start new set)

20/15 Calorie Bike Erg

15/12 Calorie Ski Erg

10 Strict HSPU

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