Warm up - Quad smash, Hamstring smash, couch stretch, pigeon stretch (1-2 min each), ankle mobility, 20 air squats varying stances, 20 shoulder rolls, OH stretch/pec/lat stretch (straight arms)
Warm up/Core work
4 Sets:
0:30 second Handstand Hold
10 V-Ups (Holding training bar or barbell overhead)
Clean and Jerk
3,3,3,3,3,3 (Work up in weight each set!)
2 x 1 singles @ top weight
5 Rounds (alternate with partner, 5 rounds each)
15/12 Calorie Ski Erg
10 Power Cleans 155/105#
Cash out
3 x 0:30 Second Hanging L-Hold
w/90 seconds rest between.