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Session 1

Warm up - Crossover symmetry activation, 5 Sets: 30 second bike erg + 10 air squats (varying stance width each set) then, 2 sets of: 10 single leg raises (each side, lying on back) + 10 reps lying twist stretch (touch opposite foot to opposite hand lying on back)

Back Squats

Work to 3x1 Heavy Singles drop to 60% and do 20 reps

AMRAP 12 minutes

5 Rounds

15 Wall Ball 20/14#

15 Toes to Bar


Max rounds w/time remaining of:

15 Wall Ball 20/14#

5 Bar Muscle Ups

Cash out

4 Sets for quality

15 Hollow Rocks

15 Bar Dips (Bar behind back, feet up on bench)

Session 2

Snatch (Work up in weight each set here with small jumps working on technique

3 Sets:

1 Snatch Deadlift (To knee) + 1 Snatch

3 Sets:

1 Snatch Deadlfit (1” off floor) + 1 Snatch

3 Sets

1 Snatch

With a partner for time

120 Calorie Ski Erg

90 Bar Facing Burpees

30 Power Snatch 165/115#

*Rest 5 minutes

30 Power Snatch 165/115#

90 Bar Facing Burpees

120 Calorie Ski Erg

*Split up the reps into 3’s/9’s/12’s for the snatch/burpee/ski portions.

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