12 Turk Get Up
Barbell Warm Up for Clean
Hang Clean (Start at the hip and take 5 sec eccentric to below the knee) 70% for 8 x 2 (work up on last two sets if no misses)
SS Bar Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (5 sec eccentric all reps) 5RM each leg, then -10% for 2 x 5 each leg
Snatch Grip Deadlift (eccentric slower than concentric, stop 1 inch from ground) 5RM (8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 5
50 GHD Back Extension and GHD SU
40 GHD Back Extension and GHD SU
30 GHD Back Extension and GHD SU
Db Lateral
Face Pulls
Band Pull Aparts
Keep cycling until you hit 100 of each.