Foam Rolling: Thoracic + Lats (Upper Back) - 3:00 Total
Thoracic - With the foam roller on the ground, wrap your arms as far around yourself as you can, as if you are hugging yourself. This will open up portions of the back that you can isolate pressure on with the foam roller. After 90 seconds with arms across your body, complete the 90 seconds with both arms extended above your head, elbows locked out and hands together.
Lats - Tight lats restrict high elbows in a front squat. Mobilize these by laying on your side with the foam roller high towards the armpit area. Pinning your lat to the foam roller, make large sweeping motions. 90 seconds on each lat to round out the 3:00.
Banded Shoulder Distraction - 1:00 Each Side
Lace a stretching band onto a pull-up bar, and with one hand wrapped inside, face the band and step away to create tension. Allow your torso to pitch forward and allow the arm to relax into the stretch. If your right hand is inside the band, take a small step back with your right foot, and slowly rotate your torso to the right. This will further open and stretch your lat.
Pectoral Mash - 1:00 Each Side
Using a lacrosse ball or a foam roller if a ball is not available, get belly down with one arm behind your back. Bringing the arm behind you back opens up your chest and shoulder in order to allow the ball/roller to find tight areas. Gently move into position, targeting the chest, front of the shoulder, and where the two meet together.
Foam Rolling – Quads and Adductors – 2:00
Start high towards the hip, and work down towards the knee (core to extremity). Mash the quads with a foam roller, slowly moving high at the hip flexor down towards just above the patella(knee bone). After a full pass, from hip flexor to knee, go high to low again but this time on the inside of your thigh (adductor). After a full minute on the first leg, change to the second.
Couch Stretch - 2:00 Each Leg
Facing away from a wall in a kneeling position with hands on the floor for support, place one leg so that the shin bone is as close to the wall as possible (the respective foot will be in the air). Slowly bring the opposite foot up in front of you, and keep the heel down for a base of stability. Slowly bring your chest up as you imagine driving your waist forward, and hold at a position that provides a deep, but overwhelming stretch. Focus on your breathing.
Pigeon Pose – 2:00 each side
From a pushup position, sweep one leg beneath your body. Let’s use the right as an example. With your right leg beneath your body, aim to adjust your shin so that it is perpendicular to your torso – in other words, horizontal in relation to where your torso is facing. Slowly imagine sinking your waist back and down to the floor as you feel the stretch in the outside of your hip.
Dorsiflexion (Ankle) - 1:00 each side
With the heel flat, drive the knee over the toe. Where we'll feel the stretch depends on where we are the tightest. Some athletes will feel this towards the front of the shin, towards the ankle bone, with others feeling the stretch on the back of the leg towards the bottom (achilles and calf). There is no right or wrong here where we feel it. The goal is to drive the knee directly over our third toe (in line with the way we squat), while keeping the heel flat throughout.
2 Rounds
15 cal bike + 15 RDLs + 15 GHDSU + Walkouts with spiderman and reach
A) 45 Reps Strict Press - Start 60% each time you drop the bar add 5% of your 1RM until you complete the 45 reps.
B) EMOM for 12 Min
Min 1: Bench Press 5@72.5%
5 Rounds For Load
Complete 7 Unbroken Sets of this barbell complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press
The five movements known as the “Bear Complex” comprise one repetition. Complete the complex seven times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) to complete one round. Complete five unbroken rounds, increasing the weight and resting as needed between each round to complete the workout.
Score is the max weight used for your fifth unbroken round.
You may not change the load mid-round.
A) 100 M Sprint 100 M walk for 7 min max distance
B) For Time
100 Wall Balls
C) For Time
150 Sit ups
If you pick the WB and SU you can do them as a couplet